CFP: ‘Research Methods in Media Discourse: a postgraduate conference’

Call for Papers ‘Research Methods in Media Discourse: a postgraduate conference’ Saturday, 17 November 2012 Media Discourse Group Department of Media, Film and Journalism De Montfort University Leicester Deadline: 3 September 2012 VENUE: Clephan Building, De Montfort University, Leicester, LE1 9BH This conference, which is organised by the Media Discourse Group and supported by the MeCCSA …Continue Reading

9th Annual MeCCSA-PGN Conference

The website for the 9th Annual MeCCSA-PGN conference has gone live.

Useful Sites for Postgrads

Useful Sites for Postgrads Events, Funding and Announcements Vitae Postgraduate Researchers Page Features information for career development, details on events and an archive of the useful ‘PG Tips’ email series Jiscmail Website for the UK based academic mailing service, from which you can search for and sign-up to lists in your subject area. …Continue Reading

CFP: MeCCSA-PGN Conference 2012 (Loughborough)

CALL FOR PAPERS Deadline for Abstracts: 15 June 2012 The Media, Communications and Cultural Studies Association Postgraduate Network (MeCCSA-PGN) invites submission of abstracts for its annual postgraduate conference to be held on 17th-18th September 2012 at Loughborough University, UK. MeCCSA is the subject association for the field of media, communication and cultural studies in UK …Continue Reading

New media and (new) media studies: Symposium on Postgraduate Learning and Teaching in Media and Cultural Studies

Lancaster University Friday 21st November 2008 The event will bring together postgraduate students involved in the Higher Education teaching of Media, Communications and Cultural studies to share experiences, develop collaborative exchanges and face the unique issues and concerns affecting postgraduate tutors within the field. The event is hosted by the Institute for Cultural Research at …Continue Reading

Fifth MeCCSA Postgraduate Network Conference 2008

University of Sussex, Brighton Tuesday 1st – Wednesday 2nd July 2008 The MeCCSA (Media, Communications and Cultural Studies Association) Postgraduate Network held its fifth annual conference at the University of Sussex, Brighton on the 1st and 2nd July 2008. The conference was an excellent opportunity for postgraduate students to present their work to likeminded individuals …Continue Reading

Cultural Borrowings: A Study Day on Appropriation, Reworking and Transformation

University of Nottingham Wednesday 19th March 2008 > Click here for the conference webpage Throughout history, artists have appropriated, sampled or borrowed elements from pre-existing work for use in new cultural texts. When hip-hop artist Dangermouse mixed samples from The Beatles White Album with Jay-Z’s Black Album to produce The Grey Album; or when Todd Haynes paid homage to the …Continue Reading

Fourth MeCCSA Postgraduate Network Conference 2007

University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol Thursday 12 – Friday 13 July 2007 The MeCCSA Postgraduate Network held its Fourth Annual Postgraduate Conference in July 2007, at the University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol. > Click here for the conference programme > Click here to download the conference poster The interdisciplinary …Continue Reading

Minding the Gap: Reflections on Media Practice & Theory

One-day training symposium for Postgraduates & Early Career Researchers Reuters Institute, Oxford Saturday 12th May 2007 Keynote Speaker: Professor Brian Winston, University of Lincoln Click here to visit the conference webpage and to view or download the programme, report and pictures  There is an unmistakable gap between intellectual models of mass media institutions and practices, and …Continue Reading

Call for MeCCSA-PGN Conference Bids

The MeCCSA Postgraduate Network (PGN) seeks applications from post-graduate students interested in hosting the annual postgraduate conference. At this moment, we cannot guarantee to offer funding support, however we are doing our best to secure funding. Therefore, it is important that the bid reflects this. The chosen candidate will be encouraged to apply for AHRC …Continue Reading

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