Three-D Issue 35: Platform politics, online harms and future research directions

Paul ReillyUniversity of SheffieldPhil RamseyUlster University How can online platforms do better in the fight against ‘fake news’, hate speech and other online harms? What role should researchers play in the regulatory frameworks governing big tech companies like Facebook? These were among the issues discussed at ‘Platforms and policies: agendas for research and policy action”, …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 34: Policy Network report

Phil RamseyUlster University It has been a busy Spring for Policy watchers. The DCMS ran a Consultation on decriminalising TV licence evasion (following a 2015 review), while the DCMS Commons Select Committee ran an inquiry into the future of public service broadcasting. Public Service Media (PSM) is under intense scrutiny in the current political environment, and now seems …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 32: Policy Network report

Jonathan HardyUniversity of East London Here is a brief update on the MeCCSA Policy Network that discusses recent activities, and finishes with two (of many) reasons why we need this Network more than ever.  The Policy Network is chaired by Phil Ramsay, with Jeanette Steemers and I as vice chairs. Both my colleagues have been …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 31: Earning trust “story by story”: Can we believe the media? The role of journalism in the digital age

Allan Leonard  FactCheckNI Ulster University – along with the UK press regulatory body, Impress, and the Policy Network of the Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association (MeCCSA) – jointly hosted a symposium event at its Belfast campus: “Can we believe the media? The role of journalism in the digital age”. Keynote speakers were Jonathan Heawood (Chief Executive Officer, Impress) and Peter Feeney (Press …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 30: Policy Network report

Phil Ramsey Ulster University So far in 2018 the MeCCSA Policy Network has supported two events. First, the Media Democracy Festival 2018: Faking It, Breaking It, Re-Making It – What’s wrong with our media and how to fix it took place at Birkbeck, University of London on 17 March 2018. The event was a national …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 28: Time to take sides on impartiality?

Des FreedmanGoldsmiths, University of London If rampant editorialising is in the DNA of the print press, then ‘due impartiality’ – not taking sides in matters of public controversy – is allegedly at the heart of UK broadcasting. Broadcasters themselves are required to abide by the Ofcom code and many journalists speak about their professional commitment …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 20: Beyond the ivory tower: media policy academics in the public arena

Máire Messenger Davies University of Ulster For most of 2012, continuing into 2013, and no doubt beyond, media policy debates and events have been dominated by questions raised by the Leveson Inquiry into the Culture, Practices and Ethics of the Press, whose report was published on 29th November 2012 – see (For an executive …Continue Reading

Policy Network Report, AGM2013

Network meetings and events Policy issues are regularly on the agenda for universities all over the country, particularly in this year of the Leveson Inquiry. Events in 2012 included: Dr Jonathan Hardy’s speech to the Oxford Media Convention on 25 January 2012 outlining proposals for media pluralism. 24 February 2012: ‘News of the World: A …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 19: Hunt-Black proposals not in best interests of journalism

This letter was originally published in the Financial Times, 1 November 2012. Several signatories are members of the MeCCSA Policy Network. URL: We are free speech advocates and senior educators of law and journalism students in British universities and we write to express our opposition to proposals for a new self-regulatory body for the …Continue Reading

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