Three-D Issue 18

Three-D, issue 18 (PDF, 2.6 Mb) In this issue: 1 Reform(ation): Media & Higher Education (Einar Thorsen) MeCCSA Annual Conferences 2 MeCCSA 2012: Bedfordshire Experience (Janey Gordon) 3 MeCCSA 2013: Spaces and Places of Culture (Máire Messenger Davies) Media Reform 6 This system needs fixing (Des Freedman) 8 Market fundamentalism and new communications regulation (Damian …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 18: Reform(ation): Media & Higher Education

Einar Thorsen Bournemouth University With Rupert Murdoch appearing at the Leveson inquiry and Jeremy Hunt’s days seemingly numbered, this issue of Three-D again focusses on media reform. Des Freedman offers a lively critique of The Sun and Murdoch, with a call for a radical rethink of media power and regulation. Damian Tambini also explores media …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 18: Networking Knowledge: Journal of the MeCCSA-PGN

Tom Phillips University of East Anglia Networking Knowledge: Journal of the MeCCSA-PGN was initially established in 2007 on a relatively ad hoc basis, giving coverage for postgraduate work that featured at MeCCSA-PGN events. Since that time the journal has regularly featured issues based around the PGN’s annual conference, giving presenters a chance to disseminate their …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 18: Women’s Media Studies Network update

Heather Nunn Roehampton University As ever members of the WMSN have been busy networking, reaching out to new members and hosting lively and engaging events. Media and Mothers’ Matters On 21st October 2011 Oluyinka Esan organised ‘Media and Mothers’ Matters’ at Winchester University with a keynote by Dorothy Hobson, University of Wolverhampton. This was a …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 18: Radio Studies Network update

Salvatore Scifo University of Westminster The Radio Studies Network (RSN) convened on 12 January in Luton for its annual business meeting at the MeCCSA conference. After 3 years, Steve Lax (University of Leeds) stepped down as Chair and Salvatore Scifo (University of Westminster) was elected as the new Chair of the Network. The Steering Group …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 18: Special Issue on Race and Ethnicity in Cultural Production

Call for papers Popular Communication: The International Journal of Media and Culture.  Special Issue on Race and Ethnicity in Cultural Production Editors: David Hesmondhalgh and Anamik Saha Within media and cultural studies, questions of race and cultural difference in popular culture have tended to be explored through textual analysis, in relation to what Stuart Hall …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 18: Practice at the MeCCSA 2012 conference

Mark Readman Bournemouth University The 2012 MeCCSA conference at the University of Bedfordshire was as eclectic as usual, with sessions ranging from pornography to public service broadcasting and from the Muppets to Murdoch. My experience this time, however, was different from previous occasions, given my decision to inveigle my way into the world of practice …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 18: Policy Network Report

Máire Messenger Davies University of Ulster As reported in the last Three-D, media policy issues have been almost constantly in the headlines, and thus also of major concern to many academics; this is particularly due to the phone-hacking story and the Leveson inquiry, which have also raised issues about the teaching of ethics (or lack …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 18: MeCCSA CCES Network update

Neil Gavin Liverpool University The MeCCSA CCES Network had a successful conference in Luton, at the University of Bedfordshire campus, with a lively debate around three papers. These straddled the issues of energy security coverage and its relationship with climate change; readers’ comments on tabloid climate stories, post-climategate; and the construction of climate change debate …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 18: The REF is coming

Peter Golding Northumbria University It is spring and a young academic’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of the REF.  Whether it should or it shouldn’t many academics are very much focused on the assessment of research to take place in 2014, the submission deadline for which is November 29th 2013. Across the land universities are …Continue Reading

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