Three-D Issue 26: Networking Knowledge: the Journal of the MeCCSA PGN

Simon Dawes Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier, France* After two years editing Networking Knowledge – the Journal of the MeCCSA Postgraduate Network it’s time for me to step down and handover responsibility to a new pair of hands. Over the past couple of years, I’ve had the pleasure of co-editing special issues on Mediatizing Gaza (with Nour Shreim) and Fortress Europe: Media, …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 26: Practice Network

Joanna Callaghan University of Sussex The network has supported two events this year, with a further two in planning. In June we held the annual Journal of Media Practice and MeCCSA Practice network symposium at Southbank University on the theme of Post-Screen Practices. It was a well-attended symposium and in the next edition of Three-D …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 26: Radicalisation in culture and media

Rinella Cere Sheffield Hallam University The re-launch of the Race, Ethnicity and Postcolonial Network (REaPN) kicked off at De Montfort University on the 28 June, exploring the topic of Radicalisation in Culture and Media with unavoidable forays into the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act and the Prevent Agenda. Opening the day, the keynote speaker, Bob Brecher, …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 26: Still a struggle for recognition: funding for communication, cultural and media research in the UK

John Downey Loughborough University Despite calls for recognition of the value of interdisciplinary research it is still not clear how the field of communication, cultural and media studies that draws on a number of arts, humanities and social science disciplines fits into the funding plans of the two most directly relevant UK funding councils, the …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 26: Turkish academics and media studies

This issue of Three-D invited contributions from colleagues in Turkey, which for various reasons they have been unable to submit. Members will be aware of the changing and worrying situation in Turkey. In July twenty Turkish communication and media scholars were unable to attend the annual conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 26: Chair’s report

Natalie Fenton Goldsmiths, University of London We live in extraordinary times and I imagine many of you, like me, hardly noticed the end of summer term. Instead, we have been thrust into the uncertain world of life after a vote to leave the EU but before we actually know what that means – a strange …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 26: MeCCSA 2016: ‘Communities’

Àgnes Gulyàs Canterbury Christ Church University The MeCCSA Annual Conference 2016 was hosted by Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury, 6-8th January 2016. We would like to thank everyone for their contribution and for attending! Special thanks to those who were involved in presenting, chairing panels, and reviewing abstracts. We have recorded and uploaded all plenary …Continue Reading

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