REF 2029 main and sub-panel recruitment now open

I want to draw your attention to the announcement today that the REF2029 sub-panel nomination process has now opened.  In short, this is an open invitation for colleagues to put themselves forward for: ▶️ Sub-panel chair and deputy chair – the closing date for sub-panel chair and deputy chair roles is midday 6 February 2025 ▶️ Sub-panel member – …Continue Reading

REF2021 overview panels published

The REF2021 panel overview reports have now been published, which provide a more detailed and reflective overview of the research performance in each area. MeCCSA has published a press release in response to these overview reports. In this we welcome the results as demonstrating the extremely high quality and social importance of research by our …Continue Reading

MeCCSA response to REF2021 overview panel reports

University research in media, communications and cultural studies has been shown to be of outstanding quality, “amongst the best in the world”, according to the recently published results of the Research Excellence Framework undertaken by the four UK higher education funding bodies.  MeCCSA (the Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association), the national subject association for …Continue Reading

AGM 2018 documents and Dinah Birch keynote slides

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING LONDON,  JANUARY 11TH. 2018 AGENDA Apologies Minutes of 2017 AGM Matters arising Chair’s Report Treasurer’s Report Reports from Sub-Committees Association Activities Sub-Committee Administration and Communication Sub-Committee Academic Development Sub-Committee Reports from Networks Report on election for Executive Committee.   1.  EC for 2018 2.  To note retiring members Resolutions AOB The AGM will …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 29: First signs of how REF will work

Well, it’s called REF 2021, but already in 2017 many feel suitably terrorised and daunted by the research assessment exercise now called REF. The straws in the wind which begin to set out how the exercise will work have come so far in the form of two sets of decisions from HEFCE, the first dealing …Continue Reading

MeCCSA guidance for REF external advisor roles

Taking up at REF external advisor role? Please consider our REF research consultancy advisory paper Documented evidence, trade union research and anecdotal evidence, together, suggest that the REF scores arrived at by external advisors may be used by Departments to change workloads, alter research-active allocations and therefore impact on the career progression of individual staff. …Continue Reading

MeCCSA nominations for members of REF2021 panels

Process for requesting MeCCSA nomination for additional members of REF2021 Main Panel D and Sub-panels membership Members of the REF2021 expert panels will be appointed through a nominations process. Any association or organization with a clear interest in the conduct, quality, funding or wider benefits of publicly-funded research can nominate individuals for panel membership. Mission …Continue Reading

Joint statement from BAFTSS and MeCCSA on REF2021 [Updated: response from HEFCE and Panel D Chair]

UPDATED: RESPONSE FROM HEFCE AND THE CHAIR OF PANEL D Recently BAFTSS and MeCCSA agreed the below joint statement in response to concern about the initial decisions by HECFCE regarding REF 2021 that included naming Film and Screen Studies explicitly in sub-panel 33 (Music, Dance, Drama, Performing Arts, Film and Screen Studies). This joint statement was sent to …Continue Reading

HEFCE call for the Appointment of Sub-Panel chairs for REF 2021

The MeCCSA Executive would like to draw colleagues’ attention to ‘Initial decisions on REF 2021’ (HEFCE Circular letter 33/2017). The funding bodies now wish to appoint a sub-panel chair for each of the 34 REF sub- panels listed in Annex A. To apply see Annex B of the initial decisions on the REF document. The deadline …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 27: Research Excellence Framework update

While a new acronym by name of TEF has started to haunt the nightmares of many an academic we are still keeping a wary eye on the next Research Excellence Framework (REF). With the publication of Lord Stern’s review of the REF in July many let out a large sigh of relief. His recommendations were …Continue Reading

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