MeCCSA has responded to the consultation on proposals for the Research Excellence Framework (REF), promoted by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE).
The consultation had set out proposals for all key aspects of the framework and invited responses from across the UK and invited responses from the higher education sector as well asorganisations with an interest in the use and impact of research – fromthe private, public and third sectors, to be submitted by 16 December 2009.
> Download MeCCSA’s response to the consultation (pdf, 160 kb)
Other relevant organizations responses to the Consultation
> SCUDD (The Standing Conference of University Drama Departments) (pdf, 112 kb)
> SOCHODS (Council of UK Heads and Professors of Sociology) (pdf, 148 kb)
> LISRC (Library and Information Science Research Coalition) (pdf, 84 kb)
Research Excellence Framework – consultation outcomes
The four UK higher education (HE) funding bodies have now announced the outcomes of the recent consultation on the Research Excellence Framework (REF) – the new system for assessing research in UK higher education institutions (HEIs).
> HEFCE press release dated 26/03/2010 including links to other sources
> Research Excellence Framework consultation outcomes (HEFCE Circular letter 04/2010)
> Summary of responses (March 2010) (pdf. 138 kb)
> Annex A – Initial decisions on the Research Excellence Framework (pdf. 42 kb)