Accepted Papers

  • David Hesmondhalgh (Open University)
    Bourdieu, media production and the cultural industries
  • Lincoln Geraghty (University of Nottingham)
    ‘Realities…blending as one’: Film Texts and Intertexts in
    the Star Trek/X-Men Crossover Comics
  • Feona Attwood (Sheffield Hallam University)
    Reading the readers: representing the consumption of sexually
    explicit media
  • Agnes Gulyas (Canterbury Christ Church University

    Are Corporate Forms a Threat to Democratic Functions of
    the Media? Organisational structure and democratic performance
    in the newspaper sectors of Britain and Hungary
  • Sharon Lockyer (De Montfort University)
    ‘The Sickest TV Show Ever’: Controversial Television and Moral Regulation
  • Karen Lury (University of Glasgow)
    Teaching Television
  • Vincent Campbell (De Montfort University)
    A Journalistic Deficit? British Media Agendas in European
    Elections: A Comparative Content Analysis of British
    national news media coverage of the 1994 and 2004 Campaigns’
  • Ruxandra Trandafoiu (Edge Hill University College)
    ‘Europeanness’- Philosophy and Practice in the Relationship Between
    US and EU
  • Jason Copley and Fotini Papatheodorou (University
    of the Arts, London)

    Television, Politics and Popular Culture
  • Ian Macdonald (Leeds Metropolitan University)
    Playwriting for the Cinema. The conventional view of screenwriting:
    its background in practice
  • Stephen Harper (University of Glasgow)
    ‘Ridicule is nothing to be scared of’: narratives of mental illness
    in celebrity culture
  • Paul Rixon (Roehampton University)
    The creative culture of new media businesses
  • Karen Ross (Coventry University)
    News of gender in the Northern Ireland Assembly Elections
    2003: the big squeeze
  • Nathan Vaughan (Loughborough University)
    Hollywood Synergy
  • Andy Ruddock (Liverpool John Moores University)
    Let’s kick racism out of football – and the
    lefties too! The negotiation of football’s media
    landscape on West Ham fan sites
  • Jenny Kitzinger (Cardiff University)
    Reporting child sexual abuse: the impact on public understandings
    and some lessons for media practitioners
  • Joan Haran (Cardiff University)
    Maverick Science: Representing Expertise and the Challenge
    to Journalists
  • Lise Watson (University of Toronto)
    World Music Discourse in Canadian Radio Broadcasting
  • Olga Bailey (Liverpool John Moores University)
    Diaspora and Transnational Media
  • Neil Washbourne (Leeds Metropolitan University)
    Imagi(ini)ng the Nineteenth Century Political and Sporting
    Celebrity of W.E.Gladstone and W.G.Grace: a contribution
    to historical work in media studies
  • Stuart Price (De Montfort University)
    American Mentality: Trauma, Imperialism and the ‘authentic’ veteran
  • Paul Smith (De Montfort University)
    The Politics of UK Television Policy: The Making of Ofcom
  • Jiska Engelbert (University of Wales, Aberystwyth)
    Making sense of New Labour. Multisemiotic interplay in
    Labour’s 1997 and 2001 election broadcasts
  • Katharine Sarikakis (Coventry University)
    Rethinking human subjects in Communication and Cultural
    Policy studies
  • Cristina Archetti (University of Leeds)
    What Are We Talking About? The Media and the War On Terrorism:
    The Local Meanings of a Global War
  • Des Freedman (University of London)
    What do media policymakers understand by diversity and
    pluralism? An evaluation of contemporary debates in communications
  • Robin Brown (University of Leeds)
    In Defence of Spin?: Rethinking the Media-Politics Interface
  • Mike Kinnaird (Monks’ Dyke Technology College)
    and Deborah Wilson (University of Lincoln)

    Radio foundation degrees: Connected education and training
  • Roberta Pearson (University of Nottingham)
    Authorship and the American Television Writer-Producer:
    A Case Study of Joss Whedon
  • Nigel Orrillard (University of Wales, Aberystwyth)
    and Daniel Chandler (University of Wales, Newport)

    The ‘Brainwashing’ Sequence in The Parallax
    View (Pakula 1974): Visual Semiotics and the Practice of
    Film Editing
  • Kristyn Gorton (Leeds Metropolitan University)
    Televisual Desire
  • Claire Wardle (Cardiff University)
    Monsters vs. Angels: Visual Press Coverage of Child Murders
    in the US and UK, 1930-1990
  • Gareth Longstaff (University of East London)
    David Beckham(ism): Post-straight masculinity and the assimilation
    of a gay identity
  • Dan Jackson (Bournemouth University)
    What’s Best for Tracking Media Effects? Analysing
    the Latest Experimental Techniques on the Impact of News
  • Rebecca Reid (University of Leeds)
    Breast Cancer in the Media: How coverage is viewed by women
    with a family history of the disease
  • Sarah McLean (University of Brighton)
    Visual Depictions of Globalisation in the Harry Potter
  • John Marland (York St. John College)
    The Use of Adaptation in the Teaching of Film and Television
  • Elizabeth Coulter-Smith, Sara Harris and Bob
    Calver (University of Central England)

    Media ContentLab: Reaching Industries by Rethinking Enterprise,
    Research and Innovation
  • Zoe Sujon (London School of Economics and Political

    New Citizens, New Spaces and New Media? Exploring the Constitution
    of ‘New Media’ Territories and Behaviours
  • Stephen Cushion (Cardiff University)
    Reporting politics differently: Young people, opinion polls
    and news audiences
  • Shaun Hides (Coventry University)
    Exposure Control: the cultural politics of contemporary
    visual culture
  • Karin Wahl-Jorgensen (Cardiff University)
    When Citizens Have Their Say: Television news, vox pops
    and the vanishing of the public sphere
  • Helen Hutchinson and Gordon Simpson (Cumbria
    Institute of the Arts)

    Marking schemes and cultural means: observations from a
    small scale action research investigation applying shared
    marking schemes in a team teaching creative context
  • Rinella Cere (Sheffield Hallam University)
    ‘Double exposure’: cinema in the museum
  • John Farnsworth (New Zealand Broadcasting School)
    Portable Sound Technologies and Mobile Social Networks
  • Deneka MacDonald (University of Glasgow)
    Leaving Pedagogy at the Wayside of Information Highways?
    Some Thoughts on Communication, Support, and Emotion
  • Krini Kafiris (University of Athens)
    Gender, Sexuality, and the Catastrophe of ‘True Love’ in
    Greek Television Drama: 1997-2002
  • Wilma De Jong (University of Sussex)
    Teaching Media Practice: claiming our own space in the
    academic sun
  • Janey Gordon (University of Luton)
    The Culture and Communication of the Mobile Phone
  • Tim Holmes (Cardiff University)
    Bitten: A study in post-postgraduate enterprise
  • Simon Cross (University of Lincoln)
    Walls of Silence: World in Action Reports Ward F13
  • Barbara Cairns (University of Lincoln)
    Freezing Out Dissent: New Zealand Broadcasting Structures
    in Neo Liberal Times
  • Xin Zhang (University of Wales, Aberystwyth)
    The Concept of the ‘Local’ in Local Chinese
  • Trevor Harris (University of Wales, Lampeter)
    We’re all creative now: the impact of digital technology
    on the Media Literacy debate
  • Meryl Aldridge (University of Nottingham)
    Seeking an effective local public sphere: Must regional
    television news be anodyne?
  • Tony Sullivan (Goldsmiths College)
    Consumption as an enabling and constraining activity for
    young consumers
  • Nigel Morris (University of Lincoln)
    ‘Talk to Me in Your Language’: Broadcasting and the Context of Wales
    on Film
  • Martin Barker (University of Wales, Aberystwyth)
    The Lord of the Rings international audience project – some
    key findings
  • Jason Toynbee (Open University)
    Why Copyright Matters for Media and Cultural Policy
  • Mark Jancovich (University of East Anglia)
    The Strange Case of 1940s Horror
  • Melanie Williams (University of Hull)
    Why Woman in a Dressing Gown matters: Studying audience
    memories of the 1957 British film
  • Graham Roberts and Stephen Hay (University of

    With all due respect Mr Valenti…an end to cultural
    hegemony at the movies?
  • Graham Murdock, Ruth Lister, Karen Kellard, Antonia
    Ivalidi and Liz Sutton (Loughborough University)

    Navigating the e-society: Digital technologies and everyday
  • Kate Woodward (University of Wales, Aberystwyth)
    ‘Surrendering to the Outside?’ Recent films in Wales
  • Helen Baron (University College Chester)
    Improving learning on academic media undergraduate modules:
    a case study
  • Lisa Taylor (University of Wolverhampton)
    Class, Taste and Contemporary Gardening: an ethnographic
  • Andrew Hill (University of Ulster)
    Osama bin Laden: the presence of evil
  • John F. Myles (University of East London)
    Electronic Opinion: a Bourdieusian critique of On-line
    Opinion Polling
  • Mike Mason and Faye Cleminson (University of

    Developing a subject-based virtual learning environment
    within a wider university context
  • Saba El-Ghul (Monash University)
    Broadcast Training for Community Radio in Australia
  • Dave Harte (University of Central England)
    The role of Higher Education in developing a Media Cluster
    in the West Midlands
  • David Hutchison (Glasgow Caledonian University)
    Regulating the airwaves – lessons from Canada, OFCOM
    and the CRTC
  • Last Moyo (University of Wales, Aberystwyth)
    Digital Democracy in Africa: New Media rise from the Tombstones
    of the Old in Zimbabwe
  • Jeremy Collins (London Guildhall University)
    Risk publics as media audiences: theorizing and researching
    non-expert understandings of risks
  • Sylvia Harvey (University of Lincoln)
    Ofcom’s First Year; A Provisional Audit
  • Michael Tracey (University of Colorado)
    The Mathew Effect: media culture and the new illiteracy
  • Ewan Kirkland (Buckingham Chilterns University

    Restless Dreams in Silent Hill: Approaches to Videogame
  • Dean Lockwood and Tony Richards (University of

    Passion Play: Videogames and Critique
  • Rebecca Farley (Cardiff University)
    Voyages of Rediscovery? Exploring the passage from Cultural
    Studies to Cultural Politics aboard a Reconstructed Viking
  • James Moir (University of Abertay Dundee)
    Media and Mind
  • Ros Brunt (Sheffield Hallam University)
    Representing Muslim identities: reflections on a media
    literacy project
  • Neil Blain and Kathryn Burnett (University of

    Rebuilding the place of identity: heritage and the fashioning
    of history and locality in the BBC’s Restoration
  • Jeanette Steemers (De Montfort University)
    Selling British Television on the Global Stage: the challenge
    of exporting British television drama
  • Ian Hunter (De Montfort University)
    Sex Lives of the Potato Men and the decline of the British
    working class
  • Nick Haeffner (London Metropolitan University)
    Aesthetics and politics in two recent trans-national films
  • Kirsty Stevenson (Lancaster University)
    Digital’s killing the live-action star? Approaches
    to the analysis of the star performer in the ‘New
    Media’ age
  • Eileen Elsey (University of the West of England)
    Gender, creativity and short film
  • Ruth McElroy (University College Worcester)
    Lifestyle Television on Welsh Screens: taste, nation and
    cultural value
  • Barbara Hawkins (University of the West of England)
    ‘Where Do We Go From Here?’: Writing and Directing short film drama
    for live interactive performance
  • Bryan Rudd (University of Lincoln)
    BBC Radio 2: Contextualising popular music and current
    affairs in The Jeremy Vine Show
  • Annette Hill (University of Westminster)
    Understanding Factual Television: the reception of news,
    documentary and reality TV in Britain and Sweden
  • Tom Nicholls (University of Lincoln)
    Catholic influences on political television drama
  • Adrian Quinn (University of Liverpool)
    30 Years of Bad News: A history of the Glasgow Media Group
  • Paul Elmer (University of Central Lancashire)
    UK Progress: a constructivist approach to practice-based
    learning in the public relations curriculum
  • Charlotte Crofts (London South Bank University)
    Bluebell, Red Riding Hood and Film Practice as Research
  • Maria Touri (University of Leeds)
    The media in political decision-making: an active player
  • Marta Cola (University of Lugano)
    Media Uses and Identities in a Four Languages Country:
    A Case Study of Switzerland
  • John Adams (University of Bristol)
  • Dave Kenyon (University of Lincoln)
    ‘Netizens’ Home Pages
  • Roy Hanney (University College Chichester)
    Problem-Based Learning
  • Mary Agnes Krell (Sussex University)
    Investigating Imaginary Evidence

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