4th Journal of Media Practice symposium: Media Practice and its field

Supported by MeCCSA Practice section

The JMP symposium is an annual event for all media practitioners
teaching or researching in HE and FE. The theme this year was our
context – how we interact with our field. This is about how we teach
media practice, how researchers and educators relate to professional and
conventional practice (and vice versa), and how our practice-based
research relates to other research methods and activity.

A sub-theme emerged from presentations this year was how professional
norms affect both practice in general and practice as it is researched
and taught in HE. Papers on this subject were presented, among others,
by documentary producer Paul Kerr (London Metropolitan), documentary
producer Florence Ayisi (Newport), PhD student Anna Zoellner (Leeds) and
radio producer Rozina Breen (Trinity and All Saints).

For further information about this event please contact:

Organised by the Louis Le Prince Centre for Cinema, Photography and Television, Institute of Communication Studies, University of Leeds.

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