Mediating Women, War and Terror


Monday 12 September 2011, 1- 6pm.

This event is happening exactly ten years to the day since the inauguration of the Women’s Media Studies Network at Derby University. It is jointly sponsored by MeCCSA and the Media Discourse Group at De Montfort University.

The event examines the media role and representation of women throughout the last decade of conflict. It will combine panels of media practitioners and researchers with viewing and discussion of film and television.

The popular Showcasing Women feature of the Network also returns to this event.   All participants are invited to bring along any examples of their own recent media research or practice – or any information/publicity about it.

Further details available next month on the MeCCSA website:

The event is free but we are asking people to reserve a place by Friday 2 September by registering with one of the organisers, Kaity Mendes:.

De Montfort University, Leicester.
All women welcome.

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