‘Sharing Experience’: Audiences in Media, Communication and Cultural Studies

Audiences come in all shapes and forms –as viewers, listeners, readers, users,
participants, fans, aficionados and learners –focusing their attention on a variety
of sources within an increasingly changing media landscape.

The range and
diversity of audiences and their experiences is both exciting and challenging for
researchers, and it is the very nature of the field that requires a multitude of
systematic approaches when studying and teaching about audiences.

This training day aimed to bring together postgraduate researchers interested in
the broad field of audience and reception studies, whether this is in relation to
contemporary or historical audiences, theoretical or empirical work, quantitative
or qualitative studies, questions or answers.

In addition to presenting and
discussing their work in thematic panels, there was an opportunity for
delegates to take part in workshops concerned with ‘how to do’ and ‘how to
teach’ audience and reception studies.

Speakers included Professor Jenny Kitzinger (Cardiff School of
Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies) and Professor Martin Barker
(Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies, Aberystwyth).

Conference materials



Workshop Notes

Workshop Notes



Call for papers


note that they are a work in progress and should not
 be quoted without the permission of their author(s).

Speech, Jenny Kitzinger,
Cardiff School of Journalism, Cardiff University
Research in Context’

Anderson, University of
Wales, Aberystwyth
‘In the know’: talking to
audiences about popular music
in film soundtracks

Cronin, Goldsmiths College 
Reading Wolf Creek: Normative
Social Strategies in the Reception
of Contemporary Film

Elizabeth Evans, Royal
Holloway, University of London
The Inconstant Audience: Audience Research and New Media Technologies

Leder, University of Wales,
Fear talk(s): Mapping audiences’
emotional responses to film
and television

Rebekah Smith, University
of Wales, Aberystwyth
Tarantino’s Audience: A cognitive based audience research enquiry
investigating the nature of the emotional relationship between Tarantino’s films
and fans
Rebecca Williams, Cardiff
Post-object fandom and the demise of The West Wing




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