Women, Politics, News – Same old, same old?
WMSN Seminar on 9th June 2011
Organiser: Professor Karen Ross
Hosted by the MeCCSA Women’s Media Studies Network and Media and Politics Research Group (Department of Communication and Media Liverpool University) at Rendall Theatre Workshop (1st Floor Rendall Building) on Thursday, 9 June 2011, 1.30pm-4.15pm. All welcome.
1.30pm: networking lunch (BYO)
2.15 – 2.45: Emily Harmer, Loughborough University
“Just another gratifyingly photogenic leaders’ wife” and “a bigoted sort of woman”: Newspaper coverage of women in the British General Election 2010.
2.45 – 3.15: Valentina Cardo, University of East Anglia
Women’s activism: between old and new media.
3.15 – 3.45: Karen Ross, University of Liverpool
Women and news: the Global Media Monitoring Project as barometer of change, or not.
3.45-4.15: discussion and close