Mediating Environmental Change: Exploring The Way Forward

Call for Papers

The Mediating Environmental Change symposium will facilitate
a debate on emerging and established forms and practices of environmental
reporting – including climate change, conservation and sustainability. We aim
to provide a lively discussion forum evolving around pertinent issues arising
from a series of panels and keynote speakers.

You are invited to express interest in contributing your
reflections or findings from relevant research as outlined below.

Discussion points

Below is an indicative list of questions that could be
addressed by the symposium:

  • How has the internet altered environmental
  • How are different forms of media used to
    mobilise protest and engagement around environmental change and politics?
  • How does communication of science, risk and
    change influence public understanding of sustainability and the environment?
  • What characterises reporting of environmental
    sustainability, climate change and conservation?
  • In what ways can different stakeholders work
    together to influence policy and bring about positive change?
  • How can environmental change and sustainability
    be incorporated into the curriculum and academic practice?


For individual papers please submit abstracts of no more
than 150 words by 10 January, 2011 EXTENDED DEADLINE: 17 January, 2011 using the online form below or via email to
Einar Thorsen at Please include a title, full
institutional affiliation, and five key words. We also welcome proposals for panels with up to four speakers. Again, please use the below form to submit your rationale and associated abstracts.


The symposium will take place on 4 March 2011 in the town
centre at The Executive Business Centre, Bournemouth University, 89 Holdenhurst
Road, Bournemouth, BH8 8EB

The event is open to all interested parties.

Deadline for individual abstracts and panel proposals: 10 January, 2011. EXTENDED DEADLINE: 17 January, 2011.

Conference outline and registration will be published
shortly after.

Lunch and beverages will be provided.

The Centre for
Journalism and Communication Research

The symposium is organised by the CJCR, which brings
together the Journalism Research Group and the Narrative Research Group from
within the Media School, Bournemouth University. Launched in 2009, and directed
by Professor Stuart Allan, the CJCR represents an array of interests and
expertise, and is committed to engage in real-world issues of pressing


MeCCSA Climate
Change, Environment and Sustainability Network

The aim of the network is to strengthen the ability of
MeCCSA and its members to respond to and lead the worldwide academic
contribution to understanding media, communication and cultural studies where
they meet issues of climate change, environment and sustainable development; it
will do this by continually encourage MeCCSA and its members to conduct
research and seek interventions that account for the sustainability of its


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