Panels and Screenings

Postgraduate Network
Panel: Women – History/Representation/Technology

Venue: Ground floor room, MHAC Building
(room TBC)
Time/day: 2-3.15pm, Thursday 6 January

  • Angela Smith (University of Sunderland)
    First Wave feminism and British widows of the First
    World War
  • Vicky Ball ( Queen Margaret University

    Excess and Containment: The British female ensemble
  • Helen Thornham (University of Ulster)
    Playing with Bodies: fantasy, gender and the videogame

Panel: Approaching Historical Media Audiences

  • Bill Osgerby (London Metropolitan University)
    Man to Man: Masculinity and Meaning in the American ‘True
    Adventure’ Pulps of the 1950s and 1960s
  • Milly Williamson (London Metropolitan University)
    Re-reading Dracula: Victorians and the vampire – what’s
    at stake?
  • Mike Chopra-Gant (London Metropolitan University)
    B Movies vs. the Box Office: alternative economies of cinema-going

Panel: Women and the Written Word

  • Christine Hardy (Nottingham Trent University)
    Leisure Reading: the relationship between the amount of
    women’s leisure reading and the value they and
    their ‘significant others’ place on that
  • Joan Burks (University of the Arts, London)
    Women in Publishing: The relationship between images of
    work and the reality of publishing as an occupation for
  • Sarah Pedersen (The Robert Gordon University)
    Why do women blog? An investigation into the motivations
    of women journal bloggers

Panel: Alternative Media

  • Natalie Fenton (Loughborough University)
    Mediated Solidarity
  • Janet Jones and Royston Martin (University of
    Wales, Aberystwyth)

    Crypto-hierarchies: An Indymedia UK Case Study
  • Chris Atton and Emma Wickenden (Napier University)
    Sourcing Routines and Representation in Alternative Journalism:
    A Case Study Approach

The following panels are sponsored by MeCCSA’s Women’s
Media Studies Network:

Panel: Regenerations – New Approaches in Feminist
Cultural Studies

  • Jane Arthurs (University of the West of England)
    Sexual citizenship in the digital era
  • Josie Dolan (University of the West of England)
    Calendar Girls: the feminist bypass
  • Suzy Gordon (University of the West of England)
    Regenerating cine-psychoanalytic feminism

Panel: Showcasing Women – Screenings and discussion
on feminist media practice as pedagogy

  • Anne Crilly (University of Ulster)
    From Mother Ireland to Limbo
  • Karen Ross (Coventry University)
    On the road with the Northern Ireland Women’s Coalition – Election

Screenings: Showcasing Women

  • Charlotte Crofts (London South Bank University)
  • Inga Burrows (University of Glamorgan)
    Well I Never
  • Michelle Citron (Northwestern University)
    Cocktails & Appetizers, Mixed Greens and As American
    As Apple Pie

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