Teleology on Television: Wildlife Programmes
Aldridge, Meryl
Panel Discussion – the Current State of Audience
Barker, Martin
The Heroine – Feminist Encounters in the 21st Century
Bennion-Nixon, Lee-Jane
The ‘Virtual Real’: Cyberspace Challenges Cultural Studies
Beynon, John
Reality television does not exist
Bourdon, Jerome
Sex, Drugs and Role Models: Masculinity, the Sporting
Celebrity and the Politics of Responsibility
Brick, Carlton
Transnational TV – The role of Paneuropean Channels
Chalaby, Jean
Daily Express, Suffragettes, and the Greenham Common Women
Clifford, Sadie
Bourdieu and Cultural Studies : the Missing Link?
Couldry, Nick
Setting Up & Teaching a Holocaust Module on a BA Film
Davies, Fred
Reflection on a Confession – Discipline & Docility
in/on the Student Body
Devas, Angela
Asylum and Immigration Discourse in the UK
Downey, John, The Borders of Neoliberal Cosmopolitanism
Collecting ‘Video Nasties’
Egan, Kate
I’m A Celebrity – Analyse Me! : The Changing
Nature of Reality Television and the Cult of the Confession
Fairclough, Kirsty
Channel 5 – the First Five Years
Fanthome, Christine
Shackleton and Neo-Shackletons
Farley, Rebecca
Digital Technology & TV Journalism: a NZ Case-Study
Farnsworth, John
Celebrating Desire – PJ Harvey and Mary J Blige as
Difficult Divas
Gardner, Abigail
Unopened Cans – Moving Image Archives & HE Research
Gray, Frank, Elaine Sheppard
Measuring tabloidisation tendencies in the Flemish press
Hauttekeete, Laurence, Jan Debackere
Political Broadcasting, the Internet, and Democratic Participation
Hibberd, Matthew
Helping International Students with Conversational English
Hibbert-Greaves, J
Situating Fan and Academic Cultures
Hills, Matt, Lyn Thomas, Milly Williamson
Goodbye News Values: New(s) Times in Media Studies
Hoskins, Andrew
Wired, disenfranchised but not necessarily out of touch:
youth attitudes towards mediated democracy
Jones, Janet
A Case Study Of British Newsreel Coverage Of South Africa
Kaye, Linda, Flower Shows And Apartheid
Religion in the Media
King, Mike, William Taylor, Mo Dodson
The Media & Japanese Children in London
Kondo, Kaoruko
Representations of the Concentration Camp, 1940-93
Koven, Mikel
Discourses of Audiorealism, from Phonograph to Digital
Lacey, Kate
Pedagogic issues
Laing, Stuart & Sara Bragg
The Radio Studies Network AGM
Lewis, Peter
Denial & Puritanism in the Age of Pleasure and Plenty
– Anti-TV Discourses
Long, Paul
Robert Donat – a Very British Celebrity?
Lowe, Vicky
From Media to Mediation: Sociology of "Avatars"
as Sociology of Action
Macé, Eric
The Reasons and Dangers to Go back to Sociology
Maigret, Eric
Hybrid Magazine Programmes on British Peaktime TV
Morris, Nigel
Simulations of the Body: Virtual Women
O’Riordan, Kate
Journalism Education in Countries in Transition
Papoutsaki, Evangelia
The Sites of Celebrity: A Case Study of Patrick Stewart
Pearson, Roberta E.
Carla Lane and the BBC Television Light Entertainment
Department in the 1970s
Phillips, Wendy
Rhetorical Masculinity
Price, Stuart
Rottweilers savage democracy: the evolution of the broadcast
political interview
Richards, Barry
Election Call as Real Politik?
Ross, Karen
David Bowie – Celebrity, Performativity and Enchantment
Stevenson, Nick
Celebrity Culture and Teenagers in Thailand
Thapthiang, Nuwan
Videoconferencing as a teaching method
Tolar, Marianne
Conversational TV News
Tolson, Andrew, Trudy Haarman, Joanna Thornborrow, Martin
Stardom at a Stroke: The Illuminating Case of Bpb Marley
Toynbee, Jason
The Editorial Page as Public Form? Denmark vs Britain
Wahl-Jorgensen, Karin
Communication ethics
Winston, Brian, Simon Rogerson, Karen Sanders
Telecommunications: Restructuring Policy in Malaysia
Zanuddin, Hasmah