Useful Sites for Postgrads
Events, Funding and Announcements
Vitae Postgraduate Researchers Page
Features information for career development, details on events and an archive of the useful ‘PG Tips’ email series
Website for the UK based academic mailing service, from which you can search for and sign-up to lists in your subject area.
Website for the Arts and Humanities Research Council, with details on their up and coming events and funding initiatives, which is useful even if your research isn’t funded by them.
British Academy
The British Academy website features useful information about their funding initiatives, fellowships and events.
US based service, similar to Jiscmail, through which you can post and sign-up for academic announcements related to jobs and CFPs.
Conference Alerts
Search for conferences in your subject area and sign-up for conference alerts.
Social Networking
The academic equivalent of Facebook, where you can post your own academic profile and follow the scholarship of others.
Subject Specific Organisations
MeCCSA , beyond the PGN, also has its own national conference and Jiscmail list, and many other research related networks within it that might be of interest .
The British Film Institute site features a wealth of useful film related information as well as details on its events, job vacancies and library. It is also home to the Moving Image Research Registry, which is a good way to publicise your research.
The US based Society for Cinema and Media Studies features information on its annual conference, calls for papers and hosts various caucuses and scholarly interest groups which are a great way to connect with others who share your research interests.
The European Communication Research and Education Association website contains information about the organisation’s annual conference, thematic sections and scholarly groups within the organisation and the option to sign up for the ECREA mailing list.
The European Network for Cinema and Media Studies online forum features calls for papers, online networks, information on its annual conference and will soon feature an online journal.
The newly formed British Association for Film, Television and Screen Studies features information on conferences and events, resources and a discussion list. It also features information on the association’s scholarly prizes, including a postgraduate essay prize.
Research Networks
Science Fiction Research Association
A useful site for any scholars with a research interest in science fiction, featuring many useful resources and a listserv.
Fan Studies Network
A useful site for scholars in the field of fan studies to share information and make connections.
Critical Studies in Television
An online forum and journal for the study of television.
Postgraduate Journals in Media, Communication and Cultural Studies
Networking Knowledge
The journal of the MeCCSA-PGN publishes the work of postgraduates and early career researchers across the remit of MeCCSA. It also offers the opportunity for postgraduates to receive valuable training by taking part in its peer review process.
A major site for advertising UK based academic jobs.