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The Race, Ethnicity and Postcolonial Network (REaPN) aims to incorporate a wider agenda about representations of race and ethnicity in the media in the context of postcolonial and multicultural societies. Like the previous network the present reconfiguration has three intersecting aims:

  • Firstly to ensure the active involvement of academics and practitioners from minority communities in the field of communication, media and cultural studies.
  • Secondly, to initiate and share new areas of research and teaching in Postcolonial and Media Studies as well as foster interdisciplinary links with similar areas of study.
  • Thirdly, to support and promote research in connection with topical and ongoing societal issues tied to media representations of difference, constructions of ‘the other’ and iniquitous practices characteristic of much institutional prejudice and racism.

The Race, Ethnicity and Postcolonial Network (REaPN) is the renamed Race Network which was inactive during 2012-2015.

MeCCSA Race, Ethnicity and Postcolonial Network List

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