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The Radio Studies Network was originally founded in December 1998 and became a MeCCSA Network in January 2010.

The network aims to encourage sustained, lively and critical research and scholarship in the field of radio broadcasting and related areas such as podcasting, radio journalism, and audio production. By encouraging dialogue and collaboration and creating opportunities to critically reflect upon our work, MeCCSA RSN seeks to consolidate and expand our academic and cultural status in the UK and beyond. Our leadership team, listed below, is supported in this work by an Advisory and Action Panel.

The MeCCSA Radio Studies Network continues to subscribe to the original Radio Studies list, an international forum for teachers, researchers and broadcasters. The network has a Facebook page and encourages you to join the discussion there or you can follow us on Twitter.

We also run an Online Reading Group for postgraduate students and early career researchers which meets regularly to discuss set texts, with information and updates available on our blog. In addition, we host  Q&As with featured authors as well as 5 x 5 Sandbox sessions in which members can share and pitch research projects. Recordings of these sessions are available on our YouTube channel.

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