Radio research links
- ECREA European Communication Research and Education Association. Among its sections and networks, one is dedicated to Radio Research .
- Intellect, publisher of the Radio Journal.
- Taylor and Francis, publisher of the Journal of Radio and Audio Media
- GRER: Groupe de recherches et d’etudes sur la radio A network of radio researchers based in France.
- IAMCR is a worldwide professional organisation in the field of media and communication research. Amongst its sections and working groups is MARS (music, audio, radio and sound)
- The Podacademics Network, an online community of academics and practitioners who enjoy podcasts and who use podcasting as a teaching tool, and/or to conduct and disseminate research.
Other links
- CBAA Online
Information about community broadcasting in Australia.
- Community Media Association
Information and resources for community media in the UK.
- Community Media Forum Europe (CMFE)
Information and resources for community media in Europe.
- Ofcom
Office of Communications, the UK’s regulator for media and communications.
- One World Radio
Radio programmes and ideas on development.
- Radio Academy
Professional body for people working in the UK radio industry.
- Voice of the Listener and Viewer
Represents the citizen and consumer interest in broadcasting.
- Radio Garden is a non-profit Dutch radio and digital research project by the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision by the Transnational Radio Knowledge Platform and five other European universities. It’s a website interface with three-dimensional geolocation, where the user navigates through a representation of the globe to select radio stations to listen to and explore.