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MeCCSA AGM Notice and Executive Committee Elections

Notice of AGM Members are notified that the AGM of the Association will take place during the annual conference at Manchester Metropolitan University in September. All members are invited to attend. The AGM will held on Thursday, 5th September 2024. The time and location will appear in the Conference programme. The agenda will include reports …Continue Reading

British Academy report on media, screen, journalism and communication studies

The British Academy has published a new report on the importance and impact of media, screen, journalism and communication studies in British higher education. It includes student and staff trends, as well as review of research capacity, funding, and impact. It provides useful context against SHAPE disciplines and sector trends in general.

Professor Greg Philo

The Executive Committee of MeCCSA was sad to hear of the death in May of Greg Philo, one of the key founding figures in UK media research, and until his retirement in 2021, Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Glasgow and Director of the Glasgow University Media Group, as he had …Continue Reading

MeCCSA Awards 2024 shortlist announced

We are pleased to announce the shortlisted nominees for the MeCCSA Outstanding Achievement Awards 2024. These are our annual awards to recognise outstanding research in the fields of media, communication, and cultural studies. The full set of shortlist and judges comments can be found on our awards pages. MeCCSA will be presenting awards in the following …Continue Reading

Revised QAA SBS for Communication, Media, Film and Cultural Studies

The updated Subject Benchmark Statement for Communication, Media, Film and Cultural Studies was launched at the QAA’s ENQUIRE Conference 2024 on 11th April.  The revised Subject Benchmark Statement for our field can be accessed online via the QAA website. Alongside the main SBS document, the QAA also published a summary designed to provide a short …Continue Reading

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