Annual General Meeting 2013

University of Ulster, 10th January 2013 


1. Apologies

2. Minutes of 2012 AGM

3. Matters arising

4. Chair’s Report

5. Treasurer’s Report (MeCCSA accounts 2011-12.pdf)

6. Reports from Sub-Committees

6.1  Association Activities Sub-Committee
6.2  Administration and Communication Sub-Committee
6.3  Academic Development Sub-Committee

7. Report on Networks

7.1. Environment, Climate Change and Sustainability Network (Three-D Issue 19)
7.2. Disability Studies Network
7.3. Policy Network
7.4. Postgraduate Network
7.5. Practice Network
7.6. Race Network (Three-D Issue 19)
7.7. Radio Studies Network
7.8. Women’s Media Studies Network

8.  Report on election for Executive Committee

8.1.  EC for 2013
8.2.  To note retiring members

9. Resolutions

10. A.O.B.

(Please note: the above links refer to written reports submitted in advance of the Annual General Meeting. For convenience, the most recent report in Three-D has been linked to where one was not available at time of publication. All reports can also be accessed via the MeCCSA Documents Archive.)

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