Call for Papers: MeCCSA 2012 Conference

MeCCSA 2012 Conference

11th-13th January 2012
University of Bedfordshire

MeCCSA is the subjectassociation for the field of media, communication and cultural studies inUK Higher Education. The field includes film and TV production,journalism, radio, photography, creative writing, publishing, interactive media andthe web; and it includes higher education for media practice as well as formedia studies.

In 2012 the MeCCSAannual conference will be hosted by the Bedfordshire Institute for Media, Artsand Performance, University of Bedfordshire, Luton Campus Centre.

We welcome scholarlypapers, presentations of practice, posters and panels across the full range ofinterests represented by MeCCSA and its networks and in particular those which:

  • address new media technologies
  • media policy
  • practice-led research
  • media pedagogy

Plenary speakers include:

  • Steven Barnett on policy
  • Clio Barnard on practice
  • John Downing on alternative media
  • Christine Geraghty on film narrative
  • Stuart Laing on media in higher education
  • Janet Murray on new media

Instructions for contributors:

Abstracts of 250 words for:

  •  papers
  •  panels
  •  presentations of practice or
  •  posters

should be submitted forpeer review via the website form by Friday 2nd September 2011 Extended deadline: Friday 7th October 2011. Proposers will be notified of proposal acceptance no later than 21st October 2011.


Fullpanel proposals should include a short description and rationale (200 words) along with abstracts for each of the papers (250 words each) and the name ofthe person chairing, contact details for all panelists and technicalrequirements.

Panelistsshould indicate if they are willing to be considered separately.


We are keen to support thepresentation of practice related to papers in particular when there isinsufficient time to present full work during paper presentation. To this endwe have allocated a presentation space for practice artefacts which includesscreenings, computer based work and multi screen work (where possible). Forpractice please include specific technical requirements (e.g. duration, format)and an URL pointing to practice support material.


The Art Design Media – Higher Education Academy SubjectCentre (ADM-HEA) are offering a £500 prize and publication for the best paperanalysing key issues impacting on media, communications and cultural studies inhigher education. Submission details as for other papers but a full paper mustbe with ADM-HEA by 25th November 2011(

Convergence: The InternationalJournal of Research into New Media Technologies and SAGE Publishing are offering a prize for thebest submission by a postgraduate or postdoctoral student on research whichfits the aims of the journal. The winner will have their work published in thejournal, receive a year’s subscription and £150 worth of SAGE books. Submissionswill be judged by the editors Julia Knight and Alexis Weedon.

Posters: The academic poster is highly valued by MeCCSA as an indicator ofcurrent research and there will be an open space set aside for poster display. A prize of £100 will be awarded to the bestposter judged the MeCCSA Executive Committee.

Further information

For all informationabout the MeCCSA 2012 Conference go to:

Registration for theconference and information on fees will be available from:

We look forward towelcoming you to the University of Bedfordshire!

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