Call for Papers for MeCCSA Postgraduate Conference 2009
The MeCCSA Postgraduate Network invites submission of abstracts for its Annual Postgraduate Conference to be held on Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th July 2009 at Bangor University , Wales.
This interdisciplinary conference welcomes papers on topics relevant to any area of
media, communication, and cultural studies.
The conference is organised by postgraduate students and it is designed for
Masters and PhD students, as well as early years postdoctoral researchers.
Presentations may take the form of papers, readings, performances, posters,
films and multimedia presentations.
Panel proposals with up to four papers are also welcome.
The abstract should include:
– Name, contact details, institutional affiliation and year of study;
– Title and topic of research, including method(s) used;
– Up to five key words, which will help the reviewers classify your proposal;
– Technical requirements for the presentation.
Please email abstracts of 200 words (for 20 minute presentations), by
27th March 2009 to: