Constitutional amendment
At the recent AGM in Salford, January 13th 2011, the following resolution was put by Tim O’Sullivan on behalf of the EC and explained in further detail:
The AGM approves the changes to the Constitution outlined in the report put to the 2011 AGM which will remove the category of Section, and instructed the EC to change the Constitution as required. The AGM further approves the changes to the requirements for Networks in that they must report in person to the EC at least once a year, must demonstrate activity during the year and report this activity to the AGM. A Network Chair must be in membership of the Association. All Networks are formally constituted after approval by the EC against a programme of future work. These changes will be effective from January 2012.
The motion was passed. 1abstention.
The revised Annex A that was approved at the AGM are reproduced below. The constitution available on the website will be amended accordingly in due course.
Annex A
1. Networks are special interest groups which contribute to the national standing and work of MeCCSA allowing for communication, research, dissemination, sharing ideas, advancing causes and responding to and suggesting policy. They exist to provide opportunities for MeCCSA members to organise activities and events in order to make MeCCSA a vibrant association throughout the year and not just during the annual conference. They add value to MeCCSA and attract new members through the promotion of events and activities beyond the existing membership.
2. Networks will undertake to organise at least two events/activities per academic year and these will need to be proposed and approved in advance by the Executive. If a speedy response is required, Networks can request approval via email.
3. Networks are expected to organise at least one event at the Annual Conference.
4. Networks may be provided with a budget of up to £1000 per academic year to support planned (and approved) activities. Where events include external speakers, last more than a half day and include lunch, they are expected to charge a modest participation fee to contribute toward costs.
5. After a Network has organised an event or activity, a short report should be provided to the MeCCSA Executive for information and for inclusion in the next edition of the MeCCSA Newsletter, ‘Three-D’. Networks will be allocated a dedicated area on the MeCCSA Website.
6. All Networks should nominate or elect a chair, who must be a member of MeCCSA and they should provide an annual report to the AGM.
7. New Networks seeking approval for establishment must demonstrate a clear rationale for their existence, together with their plans for events/activities. A ‘start-up’ budget of up to £500 will be made available for the first year and thereafter the full budget of up to £1000 may be applied for.
8. The MeCCSA Executive will from time to time consider its policy regarding Networks and will confirm after each AGM the standing of extant networks for the year ahead. Networks will overseen by the ‘Activities’ group on the Executive.