Further note on REF Sub-Panel Nominations
Members will recall that 3 weeks ago we drew people’s attention to HEFCE’s publication on proposed REF sub-panels and invitation for nominations. As a supplement to that invitation to advise us of any comments or suggestions may we also clarify how people may propose nominations via MeCCSA.
Please let any officer have, by Sep 10th, a note of any person (including of course yourself) you would wish the Association to nominate.
In doing so provide a very brief (two or three sentences) biography indicating how you or they meet the HEFCE criteria for nomination. You will recall these require that "Sub-panel members will predominantly be practicing researchers of suitable personal standing who collectively have an appropriate breadth of research expertise and carry the confidence of the community".
Full HEFCE details may be found at:
In the note please indicate to which sub-panel(s) you wish the nominee to be nominated. The proposed sub-panel structure is given as an appendix to the same HEFCE paper.
Sue Thornham
Peter Golding