MeCCSA Constitution update
The MeCCSA Constitution was recently been updated by the Executive Committee as requested by the Annual General Meeting at Bournemouth University on 9th January 2014. The most recent changes incorporates the new membership category for “Retired or unemployed members”, adds a provision for the Executive Committee to incorporate minor changes when requested by the AGM, adds a new point to Annex A requiring Networks to present an annual outline of activities for approval. The update also covers a series of other smaller corrections.
Update: the revised Constitution was ratified together with the addition of an entirely new Annex A by the AGM in Northumbria, January 2015.
- MeCCSA Constitution (PDF, 111k, direct download) – last updated in 2015
- MeCCSA Constitution w/ changes shown (PDF, 142kb, via Dropbox), changes from 2011 – 2015
NOTE: this is an old news story about constitutional changes. You can find the latest version of the constitution via our About page.