MeCCSA PGN Communications Officer Vacancy

The MeCCSA Postgraduate Network Committee is seeking someone for the Communications Officer post.

The Communications Officer is responsible for planning, developing and delivering the web-based communications of the MeCCSA Postgraduate Network. The main duties and responsibilities include circulating information on upcoming events relevant to the postgraduate community, updating the website with information on all the activities of the PG Network and uploading the forthcoming issues of Networking Knowledge, the journal of the MeCCSA PGN. Experience working with a CMS, WordPress, and basic knowledge of HTML is a plus.

To be considered for this position please email Saeed Hussain at (Training Officer for the MeCCSA PGN) Please include your name, institution, year of study and a brief statement (maximum 100 words) on why you think you would be good for this role.

Deadline for applications is 30th August 2013 with the role commencing early in September.


Saeed Hussain

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