MeCCSA Postgraduate Network Call for Nominations 2022

The MeCCSA Postgraduate Network (PGN) is calling for nominations from postgraduate students (Master’s and PhD) interested in joining the PGN Executive Committee for the 2022/2023 academic year.

About the MeCCSA Postgraduate Network Committee

The aim of the Postgraduate Network is to bring together postgraduate students in media, communication and cultural studies from different intellectual traditions and cultural backgrounds in order to form networks for research, teaching, and learning, as well as ensure peer support. 

The Postgraduate Network Committee comprises postgraduate students (at both Masters and Doctorate levels) based at universities across the UK. All positions are voluntary and offer excellent opportunities to contribute to enriching the postgraduate community as well as experience being part of the postgraduate arm of the UK’s association in the field of media, communication, and cultural studies. Work carried out by the PGN Committee is mostly done remotely (via email, Skype, etc.), though the Committee is expected to attend the Annual General Meeting at our PGN conference. 

Available Roles
This year, the following roles are available in the Committee: 

The Chair is responsible for the overall operation of the Network, ensuring all Committee members and involved parties keep to schedule and to MeCCSA standards. This involves liaising with the local organising committee for the PGN’s annual conference, creating the annual plan for the PGN including the budget, sending regular updates on the PGN’s activities to MeCCSA and maintaining regular contact with the rest of the Committee to ensure the Network runs smoothly. The Chair allocates tasks to the appropriate Committee member and ensures that each member is aware of the others’ duties so that they can effectively work together. Only PhD students can apply for this role. 

Vice Chair
The Vice Chair is responsible for keeping records of PGN activities. The main duties and responsibilities include taking minutes at PGN meetings and the subsequent circulation of those minutes among the PGN executive committee, as well as circulating other information pertinent to the committee’s operation. This role also requires supporting the network Chair with the co-ordination of all MeCCSA PGN events and activities. In circumstances when the Chair is unable to chair meetings, the Vice Chair fills this role.  

Lead Communication Officer
The Lead Communication Officer is responsible for planning, developing, and delivering the web-based communications of the PGN. The main responsibilities and duties include circulating information about upcoming events to the postgraduate community, updating the PGN section of the MeCCSA website, managing the PGN’s social media pages, developing ideas to improve the communication of the Network, and managing a database of contacts for departments in Media, Communication and Cultural Studies across the country. The Lead Communication Officer reports to the Chair of the PGN.  

Associate Editor
The Associate Editor works alongside the Editor to oversee the running of the PGN’s journal Networking Knowledge. Reporting to the Journal Editor, the Associate Editor oversees the peer review process, communicates with reviewers and authors, and together with the Editor, actively participates in the Copyediting and Production processes of journal issues, and in planning regular, conference, and special issues of the journal.  

To nominate yourself for any of the roles, please email the PGN Chair, Sharon Zheng ( with the following details: 

– Name
– Institution
– Year of study
– The role you wish to apply for
– A brief statement (maximum 100 words) on your relevant skills/interests (this statement will be included on the public voting form that voters base their decision on). 

Deadline: Friday 8th July 2022.  

Election Process 
Every nomination received for each role will be put forward to the postgraduate community to vote. Any postgraduate student is able to vote (including those who have submitted nominations). In the event of a tie, the current PGN Committee will vote to decide the final outcome. When voting has ended, the Chair will offer the roles to those who received the most votes. 

If you have any questions about the MeCCSA Postgraduate Network Committee or any of the roles, please contact Sharon with the email address above. 
We look forward to receiving your nominations and welcoming some new members to our passionate team. 

Best wishes,
MeCCSA Postgraduate Network Committee

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