MeCCSA and AMPE merger
1 September 2006
We are pleased to welcome you to the website for MeCCSA with AMPE, the new subject association which has now emerged out of MeCCSA and AMPE. This follows agreements at the AGMs in January and it means that we can now speak even more clearly for the subject area. In particular, the new organisation recognizes the role of practice in teaching and research in our area and we hope that practioners who were active in AMPE will continue their work and that new members will be willing to get involved. But the new organisation will continue to represent the interests of all who are concerned with media, communications and cultural studies defined in the broadest and most inclusive terms, whether they work in arts, humanities or social sciences departments.
The new organisation holds its first conference in January 2007 when we will have our first AGM and discuss the quesion of the name of the organisation. Before then a new Executive Committee will be voted in. Voting will be by ballot and we hope that departments and individuals will join the MeCCSA with AMPE as soon as possible so that these elections will be representative and effective. Please also check out the details about the conference at Coventry. We welcome papers on all topics and we hope that the tradition of lively and sociable conferences, established by MeCCSA and AMPE, will be continued.
John Ellis and Christine Geraghty, Co-Chairs