Women’s Media Studies Network Report, AGM2013

Current Steering Group

Anita Biressi, Ros Brunt, Margaret Montgomerie, Kaity Mendes, Heather Nunn (Chair), Karen Ross, Milly Williamson.

Events in 2012

The WMSN MeCCSA conference event, 12 January 2012, Bedfordshire featured filmmaker Jan Dunn in conversation with Rona Murray (Lancaster University).

Collaborative event : From Page to Screen: Making and Remembering Women’s History with Women’s Film and TV History Network.  Organised by Dr Vicky Ball, University of Sunderland in collaboration with Ros Brunt, Sheffield Hallam University. Held at The Women’s Library, London, 26 October 2012 in support of The Women’s Library Campaign.  The symposium was a great success.  Over 90 delegates registered with around 70 attending.    The event involved participants from media, history, gender studies, doctoral students, actors, writers and members of the general public.  The event coincided with The Women’s Library exhibition ‘The long march to equality – treasures of The Women’s Library’.  Following the success and a range of very positive feedback there are plans to organise a follow-up event in 2013.

Planned future events

Collaborative event: Female Authorship – Day symposium. Organised by Dr Sarah Neely, University of Stirling. This event is supported by the WMSN, the Stirling Centre for Scottish Studies, the Scottish Media and Communication Association and MeCCSA Practice Network.

Friday 8th February (11.00-16.45)
followed by a screening in CCA Theatre (17.00-18.30). Part of Glasgow Short Film Festival’s programme, this event will explore women and film.  A keynote lecture by Professor Sue Thornham (Sussex), will be followed by roundtable discussions on ‘Feminism and Film’ and ‘Women and Film in Scotland’. Invited panellists include filmmakers, academics, curators, artists and writers. The event will close with a screening curated by artists Louise Crawford and Ann Vance and will draw from work by Scottish women filmmakers previously showcased at the 1990 ‘Hertake’ festival of women’s cinema, Glasgow. A detailed timetable will be published shortly on https://www.glasgowfilm.org/festival/information/festivals_within_the_festivals/gsff

To register, please email shorts@glasgowfilm.org  For a more information please contact Dr Sarah Neely (sarah.neely@stir.ac.uk)

We are currently planning a WMSN panel for the Console-ing Passions conference which will be held this year in the UK at De Montfort University, 23-25 June 2013.  The initial plans are for a roundtable of media scholars and female journalists and bloggers.


The list remains active and the number of subscribers has increased since the last AGM. We currently have 334 subscribers.
                                                                                                           HN 3 Jan 2013

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