Three-D Issue 35

Three-D, issue 35 (PDF, 1.3 Mb) – Latest

In this issue:
1 ‘Slashing taxpayer subsidy’ (Einar Thorsen)

Review of Higher Education
Augar and after (John Downey)
The banker and the basket weaver (Janet Jones)
No more medals: the latest on the TEF (Abigail Gardner)
Free speech on campus (Alison Scott-Baumann & Simon Perfect)

A wake-up call, but who’s listening? (Simon Cottle)
Libertarians under lockdown (Julian Petley)

Black Lives Matter
Listening to legacies of coloniality (Kulraj Phullar)

Media Reform
11 Musical chairs: the phoney war over BBC governance (Tom Chivers)
12 “Distinctly Different”: GB News (Steven Barnett & Julian Petley)
14 It’s only a “conflict” between Facebook and regulators if it’s about the data (Declan McDowell-Naylor)
15 BBC and Beyond: Reimagining Public Media (Deborah Grayson)

16 Jay G. Blumler (1924-2021) (Stephen Coleman)

Reports and Initiatives
17 Chair’s report (Einar Thorsen)
18 MeCCSA responses (MeCCSA response to OfS Consultation on regulating quality and standards in higher education and MeCCSA response to Review of the UK Social Science PhD)
21 Race, Ethnicity and Postcolonial Network (Mita Lad)
21 Policy Network (Paul Reilly & Phil Ramsey)
22 Local and Community Media Network (Rachel Matthews)
23 Radio Studies Network (Emma Heywood)
23 Social Movements Network (Ruth Sanz Sabido)
24 Postgraduate Network (Sharon Zheng)

Three-D Issue 34

Three-D, issue 34 (PDF, 2.9 Mb)

In this issue:
1 Redefining the ‘new normal’ before it sets (Einar Thorsen)

Black Lives Matter
2 Race, racism and resistance (Deborah Gabriel)
4 Decolonising the curriculum is not enough (Lindiwe Dovey)

Covid-19: higher education
5 Digital learning and teaching: reflections on identity and efficacy (Doug Specht)
6 Public Health Emergencies (Melanie Brown)
7 Returning to the ‘new normal’ (Judith Aston & Stefano Odorico)
9 The Home Front: student multimedia journalism in lockdown (Barbara Henderson)

Covid-19: media and journalism
10 Can local news survive the crisis? (Rachel Matthews, David Baines & Agnes Gulyas)
12 How community radio in the UK rose to the challenge of COVID-19 (Josephine Coleman)
14 Sanitary crisis as a test for media freedom (Mélanie Dupéré)
15 Imagining a new future: 2020 and women working in the screen sector (Leung Wing-Fai)

Media reform
17 Changes (Julian Petley)

Higher education
19 Statement on sexualised abuses of power (call for signatures)

MeCCSA Annual Conferences
20 MeCCSA 2020: University of Brighton (Ewan Kirkland & Julie Doyle)
21 MeCCSA Conference postponed (Sarah Pedersen)

Reports and Initiatives
22 Chair’s report (Anita Biressi)
26 Policy Network (Phil Ramsey)
27 Local and Community Media Network (Rachel Matthews)
28 Radio Studies Network (Janieann McCracken)
28 Postgraduate Network (Emma Kaylee Graves & Bissie Anderson)

Three-D Issue 33

Three-D, issue 33 (PDF, 4.6 Mb)

In this issue:
1 2019 Election Special: policy, media & campaign (Einar Thorsen)

Election 2019: manifestoes
2 It Says Here (Julian McDougall)
4 Manifesto pledges on media reform: what’s in and what’s not (Natalie Fenton)

Election 2019: campaign
7 Weren’t the mainstream media supposed not to matter? (David Deacon, Jackie Goode & David Smith)
9 Is impartiality meaningless? (Gurvinder Aujla-Sidhu)
9 Time to rethink campaign coverage (Stephen Cushion)
10 Election 2019: a party political broadcast for the Tories? (Des Freedman)
11 Movement-led policy action in the media: GE2019 the #ElectionRebellion (Abigail Rhodes)

Higher Education
12 Casualisation in HE (Vincent Møystad & Tom Greenwood)

Media reform
13 British film & television’s diversity problem (Shelley Cobb)
13 Launch of BritBox in the UK (Phil Ramsey)

MeCCSA Annual Conferences
14 MeCCSA 2020: University of Brighton (Ewan Kirkland & Julie Doyle)

Reports and Initiatives
15 Chair’s report (Anita Biressi)
18 Local and Community Media Network (Rachel Matthews)
19 Practice Network (Maurizio Cinquegrani & Richard Misek)
20 Climate Change Network (Julie Doyle & Michael Goodman)
20 Social Movements Network (Stuart Price)
21 Women’s Network (Beth Johnson)
22 Postgraduate Network (Emma Kaylee Graves)

Three-D Issue 31

Three-D, issue 31 (PDF, 1.9 Mb)

In this issue:
1 Quality journalism, internet and politics (Einar Thorsen)

Cairncross Review & Media Policy
2 Government reviews and inquiries: why we should use our academic voice (Julie Firmstone)
4 What should the Cairncross Review propose we do about local news? (Martin Moore)
5 ‘High Quality Journalism’ or Tendentious Trash? (Julian Petley)
7 What should the Cairncross Review do? (Natalie Fenton)

Media Policy
9 The Online Advertising Tax (Christian Fuchs)

Internet & Politics
11 Facebook, Nick Clegg & the Future of Democracy (Declan Mcdowell Naylor)
12 Organised and ‘Ambient’ Racism and Racial Toxicity in Digital Platforms (Eugenia Siapera)
13 The dynamics of a counter-narrative against right-wing populism (Elizabeth Poole)
14 Iceland’s Orangutan (Eva Giraud)
15 Data protection as the means to children’s rights online (Sonia Livingstone)

MeCCSA Annual Conferences
16 MeCCSA 2018: London South Bank University (Phil Hammond)
17 MeCCSA 2019: University of Stirling (Alenka Jelen-Sanchez)
18 MeCCSA 2020: University of Brighton (Ewan Kirkland & Julie Doyle)

Reports and Initiatives
19 Chair’s report (Anita Biressi)
23 Climate Change Network (Julie Doyle & Michael Goodman)
24 Policy Network (Allan Leonard )
26 Practice Network (Charlie Tweed)
27 Radio Studies Network (Josephine Coleman)
28 Social Movements Network (Rosalind Brunt)
29 Postgraduate Network Report (Tianyang Zhou) and 2019 Call for Papers

Three-D Issue 30

Three-D, issue 30 (PDF, 2 Mb)

In this issue:
1 CPBF folds, hands baton to academics and online activists (Einar Thorsen)

Media Policy
2 Campaigning for responsible and accountable media after end of CPBF (Tim Gopsill)
4 Draft proposals for the future of the BBC (Tom Mills)
5 DCMS “Fake News” Report: time for a new approach? (Damian Tambini)

HE Policy
6 On the National Student Survey (William Proctor)

MeCCSA Annual Conferences
8 MeCCSA 2019: University of Stirling (Alenka Jelen-Sanchez)

Reports and Initiatives
10 Chair’s report (Anita Biressi)
11 Race, Ethnicity and Postcolonialism (Rinella Cere)
12 Practice Network (Dominique Webb & Mikey Murray)
12 Policy Network (Phil Ramsey)
13 Radio Studies Network (Helen Gubbins & Josephine Coleman)
14 Postgraduate Network report and CFP (Tianyang Zhou & Aurora Patera)

Three-D Issue 28

Three-D, issue 28 (PDF, 4.7 Mb)MeCCSA-ThreeD-28-Thumb-Shad

In this issue:
1 2017 Election Special: HE policy, media and the campaign (Einar Thorsen)

Election 2017
2 The idea of the University (Julian McDougall)
4 Higher Education and the 2017 General Election Manifestos (Andrew Gunn)
5 The impact of impartiality (Justin Lewis)
6 Women leaders and the pitfalls of ‘going personal’ (Emily Harmer)
7 Civil society and grassroots voices in the election coverage (Jen Birks & Abi Rhodes)
9 General Election 2017: the Brexit Campaign? (Deacon, Downey, Smith, Stanyer & Wring)
10 Not the Brexit election many predicted (Stephen Cushion)
10 Acrimony and division (Gordon Ramsay)

Media Policy
13 Combatting fake news: analysis of submissions to the fake news inquiry (Vian Bakir & Andrew McStay)
16 Why the Fox-Sky merger must be stopped (Justin Schlosberg)

17 Mike O’Brien (Caroline Mitchell)

MeCCSA Annual Conferences
18 MeCCSA 2017: University of Leeds (Katy Parry)
20 MeCCSA 2018: London South Bank University (Philip Hammond)

Reports and Initiatives
22 Chair’s report (Natalie Fenton)
23 Letter in support of CEU
24 Response to consultation on second REF
28 Response on Leveson inquiry and its implementation
32 Policy Network (Des Freedman)
34 Practice Network (Nick HigginsSarah Haynes)
36 Radio Studies Network (Helen Gubbins)
37 Social Movements Network (Rosalind Brunt)
37 Women’s Media Studies Network (Gamze Toylan)
38 Postgraduate Network (Patricia Prieto-Blanco)

Three-D Issue 27

Three-D, issue 27 (PDF, 3.8 Mb)meccsa-threed-27-thumb-shad

In this issue:
Leveson revisited, and HE’s multiple fronts (Einar Thorsen)

Media Reform
2 DCMS consultation on Leveson (Steven Barnett)
3 Joining the IPSO Readers’ Advisory Panel (Kate Sang)
4 Government’s consultation and Impress (Máire Messenger Davies)
5 Leveson 2: issues and unheard evidence (Peter Jukes)
9 Local journalism under threat (John Jewell)
10 The status quo won’t do (Des Freedman)
11 BBC, the Referendum & ‘Post-truth Politics’ (Julian Petley)

14 Gavin MacFadyen (Paul Lashmar)

Future of Higher Education
16 Pawns, chips and showing some humanity (John Downey)
17 Knowledge economy and the managerialization of humanities (Marco Benoît Carbone) 18 Mickey Mouse and the state of our field (Theodore Koulouris)
19 Restoring credibility after UCU campaign (Patricia McManus)

21 Still Saying: We Will Not Be A Party To This Crime (Mine Gencel Bek)
22 Are citizens journalism’s last resort? (Anonymous)

MeCCSA Annual Conferences
24 MeCCSA 2017: University of Leeds (Katy Parry)
25 MeCCSA 2018: London South Bank University (Janet Jones & Philip Hammond)

Reports and Initiatives
26 Chair’s report (Natalie Fenton)
27 Letter in response to Leveson consultation
28 Report on Meeting with ESRC and AHRC (John Downey)
29 Research Excellence Framework update
30 Practice Network (Tahera Aziz, Phil Hammond & Lizzie Jackson)
31 Climate Change Network (Nathan Farrell)
32 Social Movements Network (Anna Feigenbaum, Ruth Sanz Sabido)
34 Postgraduate Network (Seema HussainPatricia Prieto-Blanco)

Three-D Issue 26

MeCCSA-ThreeD-26-Thumb-ShadThree-D, issue 26 (PDF, 4 Mb)

In this issue:
Future of HE and academic freedoms (Einar Thorsen)

Future of Higher Education
2 More audit and less academic freedom? (David Hesmondhalgh)
4 From Green to Gold: reclaiming our universities (Natalie Fenton)
6 Threat from unrestrained competition (Janet Jones)
6 The Story of the TEF (Abigail Gardner)
7 In defence of Media Studies (Lucy Bennett & Jenny Kidd)
8 Dealing with the gendered pay gap (Rachel Cohen & Jo Littler)

Prevent & surveillance
9 Prevent, civil liberty and the assault on learning (Milly Williamson)
10 The case for evidence-based worrying (Barry Richards)
11 Surveillance and the Investigatory Powers Bill (Arne Hintz)
12 Fight the rise of the right (Bethany Usher)

EU Referendum
13 Brexit and the academy (Daniel Jackson)

Media Reform
15 Chilcot Report, whatever! (Gholam Khiabany)
17 A Future for Public Service TV? (Des Freedman)
18 Diversity, minorities, pluralism and the future of PSB (Anamik Saha)

MeCCSA Annual Conferences
20 MeCCSA 2016: ‘Communities’ (Àgnes Gulyàs)
23 MeCCSA 2017: University of Leeds (Anna Zoellner)

Reports and initiatives
25 Chair’s report (Natalie Fenton)
26 Turkish academics and media studies (Three-D note; MeCCSA letter)
27 Funding MeCCSA subjects (John Downey)
28 Response submitted by MeCCSA to the Stern Review of the Research Excellence Framework (REF)
31 Response submitted by MeCCSA to the Better use of data in government public consultation
33 Race, Ethnicity and Postcolonialism Network (Rinella Cere)
34 Practice Network (Rachel Younger; Joanna Callaghan)
35 Postgraduate Network (Simon Dawes)

Three-D Issue 25

MeCCSA-ThreeD-25-Thumb-ShadThree-D, issue 25 (PDF, 3.3 Mb)

In this issue:
1 Time to save the BBC: make your voice heard (Einar Thorsen)

BBC Green Paper
2 BBC Charter Review: how to respond (Tom O’Malley)
3 Actions not words (Sylvia Harvey)
4 BBC Charter Review (Jonathan Hardy)
5 Mitigating the damage of a vengeful govt. (Steven Barnett)
5 The case for a Licence Fee Body (Colin Browne)
6 A shrunken BBC? (Pat Holland)
7 Corporate sabotage and the future of the BBC (Tom Mills)
8 Battle for BBC and struggle for public space (Graham Murdock)
11 On with the dance: the BBC and entertainment (Máire Messenger Davies)
12 Charter Review and BBC children’s content (Jeanette Steemers)
13 Beeb-bashing by the Right: is it justified? (Ivor Gaber)
15 BBC’s international coverage (James Rodgers)
16 Keeping the ‘British’ in the BBC (Neil Blain)
18 BBC and its European partners in defence of PSM (Michael Klontzas)
19 Not just an attack on the BBC (Des Freedman)

MeCCSA Annual Conferences
20 MeCCSA 2016: ‘Communities’ (Àgnes Gulyàs)

Reports and initiatives
21 Chair’s report (Natalie Fenton)
22 MeCCSA letter on BBC Charter Review
25 MeCCSA response to DCMS consultation
35 Practice Network (Joanna Callaghan, Cahal McLaughlin, Greg Bevan)
37 Women’s Media Studies Network (Feona Atwood, Kaitlynn Mendes, Francien Broekhuizen)
38 Social Movements Network (Rosalind Brunt, Anna Feigenbaum)
40 Climate Change Network (Nathan Farrell)
41 Postgraduate Network (Poppy Wilde, Francien Broekhuizen)

Three-D Issue 24

MeCCSA-ThreeD-20-Thumb-ShadThree-D, issue 24 (PDF, 4.4 Mb)

In this issue:
2015 Election special: debates and media policy (Einar Thorsen)

UK Election 2015
2 Make media ownership an issue for the election (and beyond) (Des Freedman)
3 Manifesto for Media reform (Jonathan hardy & Des Freedman)
5 Press regulation beyond the election (Steven Barnett)
7 Media policy in Wales (Jamie Medhurst)
8 Still life in the old attack dogs yet? (Dominic Wring)
9 Stunts, gaffes and horse races (Karin Wahl-Jorgensen)
10 Women and election coverage (Heather Savigny)
11 All to Play for? (Ivor gaber)
12 Media coverage, TV debates and minor parties (Stephen Cushion & Gordon Neil ramsay)
14 The uninvited guests of TV debates (Morgane Kimmich)
15 The debate about the debate about the debates (Stephen Coleman)

MeCCSA Annual Conferences
16 MeCCSA 2015: Generations (Rosie White, Karen Ross and James Leggott)
17 Funding, publications… and a thick skin (Ruth Sanz Sabido)
20 Oh, that sounds straight forward (Karen Boyle)
22 Reflections on the changing nature and circumstances of academic labour (Bob Franklin)

Reports and initiatives
27 Chair’s report (Natalie Fenton)
28 REF Results
29 Disability Studies Network (Carrie Hodges)
30 News from the network
31 Race, Ethnicity and Postcolonial Network (Rinella Cere)
31 Women’s Media Studies Network (Milly Williamson)
32 Shared Solidarities: the interaction of parties, unions and social movements (Rinella Cere)
33 Networking Knowledge (Simon Dawes)


Three-D Issue 23

Three-D Issue 23Three-D, issue 23 (PDF, 1.6 Mb)

In this issue:
1 Doing more with less (Einar Thorsen)

HE Policies and MeCCSA Members
2 The Cinderella in the system (Giannina Warren & Natalie Fenton)
4 Neo-liberalism and the end of education (Mike Wayne)

Women in Media
6 The campaign to increase the number of women experts on TV and radio news (Lis howell)
6 Does my impact look big in this? (Karen Ross)
7 Genuinely being listened to (Suzanne Franks)

MeCCSA Annual Conferences
8 MeCCSA 2015 at Northumbria University (James Leggott, Karen Ross, Rosie White)

Reports and initiatives
9 Chair’s report (Tim O’Sullivan)
10 Policy Network report (Máire Messenger Davies)
11 The future of local news (Alec Charles)
12 Social Movements Network: Sites of Protest (Stuart Price, Ruth Sanz Sabido)
13 Women’s Media Studies Network report (Milly Williamson)
31 MeCCSA Postgraduate Network report (Yupei Zhao)
32 New Directions in Media Research 2014 (Yupei Zhao, Rahma Al Foori)


Three-D Issue 22

MeCCSA Three-D, Issue 22Three-D, Issue 22 (PDF, 2.1 Mb)

In this issue:
1 Some change, but battles far from over (Einar Thorsen)

Media Reform:
2 So they think it’s all over? (Julian Petley)
4 After the sentence (Bethany Usher)
5 Media plurality (Jonathan Hardy)
8 NSA/GCHQ, state power and surveillance (Lee Salter)

Stuart Hall:
10 MeCCSA and Stuart Hall (Peter Golding)
10 Britain’s most distinguished post-war public intellectual and cultural analyst (Graham Murdock)
11 The Stuart Hall Building (Julian Henriques)
12 Remembering the chuckle (Garry Whannel)

Media Studies:
14 Media Studies: where are we now? (Sonia Livingstone)
16 What’s happening with Media and Film Studies GCSE and GCE ‘A’ level (Pete Fraser)

MeCCSA Annual Conferences & Features:
17 MeCCSA 2014: Media and the Margins (Einar Thorsen, Daniel Jackson, Shelley Thompson, Hugh Chignell)
21 MeCCSA 2015: Generations (Rosemary White, James Leggott)

Reports and initiatives:
23 Chair’s report (Tim O’Sullivan)
24 Impact of HE policy on work, practices and departmental constitution (Giannina Warren)
25 Independent review of the role of metrics in research assessment (Peter Golding)
26 MeCCSA CCES Network update (Neil Gavin)
27 Practice Network (Michael Chanan)
29 Social Movements Network (Ruth Sanz Sabido)
31 MeCCSA Postgraduate conference 2014 (Toussaint Nothias, Christiaan de Beukelaer, Sam Ward)

Three-D Issue 21

MeCCSA-ThreeD-20-ThumbnailThree-D, issue 21 (PDF, 3.1 Mb)

In this issue:
And now we’re working to contract (Einar Thorsen) 

MeCCSA Annual Conferences & Features
2 MeCCSA 2014: Media and the Margins (Dan Jackson)
3 Future Annual Conference Hosts

5 Tackling ownership at a snail’s pace (Des Freedman & Justin Schlosberg)
8 Green or gold? The implications for open access (Ann Cummings)
9 Personal academic websites in precarious times (Anna Feigenbaum)
11 Radical Film vs the Radical Right (Anthony Killick)
12 The Radical Film Network (Steve Presence)
13 Reel News (Shaun Day & Lee Salter)
15 Grade grubbing (Steph Allen)
15 New Directions in Media Research 2013 (Rahma al Foori)
17 Terminal Thinking (Jason Lee)

Reports and initiatives
21 Chair’s report (Sue Thornham)
22 How is it for you? The uncertain fate of media studies courses (Peter Golding)
23 Disability Studies Network (Irene Rose)
25 Climate Change Network (Neil Gavin)
26 Practice Network (Sarah Allen-Reading)
28 Radio Studies Network (Eleanor Shember-Critchley)
29 Social Movements Network (Ruth Sanz Sabido & Stuart Price)
30 Women’s Media Studies Network (Heather Nunn)
31 Postgraduate Network (Rachel Tavernor, Agnes Ziolkowski-Trzak & James Harvey-Davitt)

Three-D Issue 20

MeCCSA-ThreeD-20-ThumbnailThree-D, issue 20 (PDF, 9.54Mb)

In this issue:
Leveson aftermath & the Royal Charter (Einar Thorsen) 

MeCCSA Annual Conferences & Features
2 Great conference and lovely time in Derry and Conference report, Derry 2013 (Máire Messenger Davies)
5 MeCCSA 2014: Media and the Margins and Call for Papers (Dan Jackson & Einar Thorsen)

Royal Charter & Leveson
A Right Royal Row (Julian Petley)
The ‘public’ in the Public Inquiry (Judith Townend)
Reconnecting Science and Journalism Post-Leveson (Stuart Allan)
10 The other elephant in the room (Justin Schlosberg)
11 The Media Reform Coalition’s next steps (Deborah Grayson)
12 Challenging Big Media – The European Initiative for Media Plurality (EIMP) (Granville Williams)
13 The path to hell…. an investigative journalist’s view of Leveson (Paul Lashmar)
14 Oh what tangled webs they weave: a response to Paul Lashmar (Steven Barnett)
16 The Fleet Street dinosaurs (Tim Gopsill)
17 Vested interests can be challenged (David Lee)
18 Two ends of the story: lessons from the 1980s (Pat Holland)

Issues & Challenges
20 Mickey Mouse Squeaks Back: Defending Media Studies (James Curran)
23 “Sometimes it’s hard to be a wo-man” (Karen Ross)

Success & Innovation in HE
24 Media & Communications: ten years on (Charlie Beckett)
25 New guide for citing film and audio (BUFVC)

Reports and initiatives
27 Chair’s report (Sue Thornham)
28 REF update (Peter Golding)
29 Retired academics initiative (Sylvia Harvey)
30 Social Movements Network (Ruth Sanz Sabido & Stuart Price)
31 Policy Network (Máire Messenger Davies)
32 Practice Network (Sarah Neely)
33 Women’s Media Studies Network (Heather Nunn)
34 Postgraduate Network (Conference Committee)
35 Networking Knowledge (Matthew Freeman)

Three-D Issue 19

Three-D, issue 19 (PDF, 3.1Mb)

In this issue:
1  Publishing crossroads (Einar Thorsen)

MeCCSA Annual Conferences
2 MeCCSA 2013: Spaces and Places of Culture (Máire Messenger Davies)
5 MeCCSA 2014: Bournemouth University (Hugh Chignell)

Academic Publishing
6 Publishing problems (Larry Gross)
8 Free labour and academic publishing (Veronica Barassi)
9 Self-publishing for academics (Paul Bradshaw)
9 A new model for academic publishing? (Richard Keeble)
11 Journalism Education: a new journal (M. Temple, C. Frost, J. McKay, S. Allan)
12 Print is not an input (Janis Jefferies, Sarah Kember & Ben Pester)

Publishers’ Perspectives
13 Exploring the landscape of digital publishing (Katherine Burton)
15 The future of academic publishing (Mila Steele)
17 Palgrave Pivot (Felicity Plester)
18 Experiments in open content (Caroline Wintersgill)

Media Reform
19 Leveson’s Inquiry and the next Communications Act (Damian Tambini)

Perspectives from abroad
20 Change for change’s sake (Marcela Ganea & Constantin Coderie)

Events and Success in HE
22 Secret City (Lee Salter)
24 New directions in media research (Dimitrinka Atanasova & Jennifer Cole)
25 Caught in the frame (Julian Matthews)
26 AHRC Leadership Fellow (George McKay)

Reports and initiatives
27 Chair’s report (Sue Thornham)
28 Do your subs look big in this? (Karen Ross)
29 Climate Change, Environment & Sustainability Network (Neil Gavin, Nelya Koteyko)
30 Disability Studies Network (Irene Rose)
31 Policy Network (Hunt-Black Letter, Media policy post-Leveson)
32 Practice Network (John Adams, Joanna Callaghan)
33 Race Network (Sarita Malik)
34 Women’s Media Studies Network (Heather Nunn)
35 Postgraduate Network (Ruth Sanz Sabido)

Three-D Issue 18

Three-D, issue 18 (PDF, 2.6 Mb)

In this issue:
1 Reform(ation): Media & Higher Education (Einar Thorsen)

MeCCSA Annual Conferences
2 MeCCSA 2012: Bedfordshire Experience (Janey Gordon)
3 MeCCSA 2013: Spaces and Places of Culture (Máire Messenger Davies)

Media Reform
6 This system needs fixing (Des Freedman)
8 Market fundamentalism and new communications regulation (Damian Tambini)

HE Cuts and Challenges
10 The managerial Cuckoos (John Brissenden)
10 Even more bad news from London Met (Gholam Khiabany)
12 The key (Jackey Reuben)

Perspectives From Abroad
15 Higher Education in Ireland (Gavan Titley)
16 Multiculturalism and internationalisation in Romanian HE (Marcela Ganea)

Success and Innovation
18 Reading the riots on Twitter (Farida Vis)
19 Local public service television (David Rushton)

Reports and initiatives
20 Chair’s report (Sue Thornham)
21 The REF is coming (Peter Golding)
22 Climate Change, Environment & Sustainability Network (Neil Gavin)
23 Policy Network (Máire Messenger Davies)
24 Practice Network (Mark Readman, Joanna Callaghan)
25 Race Network (Call for papers)
26 Radio Studies Network (Salvatore Scifo)
27 Women’s Media Studies Network (Heather Nunn)
28 Postgraduate Network (Tom Phillips)

Three-D Issue 17

Three-D, issue 17 (PDF, 1.5 Mb) – Latest

In this issue:
1 HE White Paper and Media Reform (Einar Thorsen)

2 KIS my Ass(essment): HE White paper (Natalie Fenton)
4 The new assault on media studies (Anonymous)
5 Inside out: turning consumers back into students (Milly Williamson)
6 Regulating the press: a role for media scholars (Stephen Coleman)
7 Hackgate and media reform
8 Teaching challenges and solutions (Debbie Flint)
9 Thinking with food: an ideas exchange (Julian Matthews)
10 Mediated politics: the ‘cultural turn’ in political communication research (Kay Richardson, Katy Parry)

Reports and initiatives
11 Chair’s report (Sue Thornham)
12 The HEA restructuring (John Mundy)
13 MeCCSA Annual Conference 2012 (Conference Organisers)
14 Policy Network (Máire Messenger Davies)
15 Radio Studies Network (Stephen Lax)
16 Practice Network (Joanna Callaghan)
18 Race Network (Sarita Malik)
19 Disability Studies Network (Alison Wilde)
20 Women’s Media Studies Network (Heather Nunn)
21 Postgraduate Network Annual Conference and 2011/2012 Committee (Shelley Thompson, Ruth Sanz Sabido)

Three-D Issue 16

Three-D, issue 16 (PDF, 2.5 Mb) – LatestMeCCSA Three-D newsletter cover

In this issue:
1 HE cuts: refuse, resist (Einar Thorsen)

2 What are we fighting for? (Michael Chanan)
4 Young people, protest and education (Lee Salter)
7 Student occupation against the cuts (Anthony Killick)
9 Funding crisis: the view from Scotland (Raymond Boyle)
11 Manifesto for the Public University (Gurminder K. Bhambra, Michael Farrelly, John Holmwood, Lucy Mayblin)
12 BFI relocation (Heather Stewart)
12 BFI National Library: modernising or mothballing? (Ian W. Macdonald)
14 Media Studies 1.0: Back to Basics (Dan Laughey)

MeCCSA Annual Conference
17 Salford 2011 (George McKay)

Reports and initiatives
18 Chair’s report (Sue Thornham)
19 Membership and Treasurer’s Report (Karen Ross)
20 Climate Change Network (Neil Gavin, Einar Thorsen, Jenny Alexander)
23 Policy Network – Annual Report, Ofcom Research Data (Máire Messenger Davies)
24 Practice Section (Joanna Callaghan)
25 Race Network (Sarita Malik)
26 Women’s Media Studies Network (Heather Nunn)
27 Postgraduate Network (Ashley Woodfall, Andy Tedd, Vincent M. Gaine)

Three-D Issue 15

Three-D, issue 15 (PDF, 1.2 Mb)MeCCSA Three-D newsletter cover

In this issue:

1 Slash and burn (Einar Thorsen)

2 Cuts and their consequences (Natalie Fenton)
4 Utility of fiction and fictions of utility (John Corner)
5 A career on the edge (Eleanor Shember-Critchley)
6 So farewell UKFC (Graham Roberts)
8 Diploma in Creative and Media (Helen Baehr)
9 Success and innovation in HE (Paul Baldwin, Liam French and Howard Tumber)

Reports and initiatives
11 Chair’s report (Sue Thornham)
12 A view from the Treasuer’s ledge(r) (Karen Ross)
12 Updates on REF and research ethics (Peter Golding)
14 Climate Change Network (Neil Gavin)
15 Disability Studies Network (Alison Wilde and Margaret Montgomerie)
16 Policy Network (Máire Messenger Davies)
17 Practice Section (Jason Lee)
18 Race Network (Sarita Malik)
19 Radio Studies Network (Peter Lewis)
20 Women’s Media Studies Network (Sarah Evans)
21 Postgraduate Network (Susan Berridge, Alexia Smit, Lavinia Brydon and Shelley Thompson)

Three-D Issue 14

  • Three-D, issue 14 (PDF, 840k)MeCCSA Three-D newsletter cover
  • In this issue: Election special and the LSE annual conference experience (Einar Thorsen); Features: Cultural production and public policy in UK broadcasting (Sylvia Harvey); Media studies in the era of the university clampdown (David Hesmondhalgh); The impact of the REF (Natalie Fenton); BFI / UK Film Council merger (John Ellis); Media presentation and HE (Alec Sabin); MeCCSA Conference Experience (Robin Mansell, Maria Kyriakidou, Margaret Scammell, Mehita Iqani and others); Reports and initiatives: Chair’s report (Sue Thornham); Practice Section (Jason Lee); Race Network (Sarita Malik); Policy Network (Máire Messenger Davies); Radio Studies Network (Stephen Lax); Climate Change Network (Alex Lockwood); Women’s Media Studies Network; Postgraduate Network (Shelley Thompson, Alexia Smit)

Three-D Issue 13

  • Three-D, issue 13 (PDF, 1.3 Mb)MeCCSA Three-D newsletter cover
  • In this issue: Apocalypse now: climate change, Digital Britain and REF! (Einar Thorsen); Features: Climate change, sustainability, and higher education (Peter Brooks, Neil T.Gavin, Alex Lockwood); Digital Britain (Steven Barnett, Patricia Holland, Peter Lewis), From RAE to REF (Peter Golding); Reports and initiatives: Chair’s report (Christine Geraghty), MeCCSA Annual Conference (Robin Mansell, Myria Georgiou), My five years at MeCCSA (Salvatore Scifo), Practice Section (Jason Lee), Women’s Media Studies Network, Policy Network (Máire Messenger Davies, Natalie Fenton), Postgraduate Network (Shelley Thompson, Amy Chambers, Jennifer Krase, Jean Northam).

Older issues are available as PDF file only


Three-D is the newsletter of MeCCSA. Its aim is to provide news and comment of interest to the media, communication and cultural studies fields. Contributions do not necessarily reflect the views of the Association, or its Executive Committee.

Three-D is currently edited by Einar Thorsen and is based on a design by Nick Sayers.

We produce two issues of Three-D per year, both downloable from this site.

Contributions and advertising

Ideas for articles or other contributions are always welcome – contact Einar at

The length of articles is flexible, but would need to be in increments of 500 words to fit with our design (so either 500, 1000, 1500 etc words).

Network or Section reports fit whole pages so are in increments of 1000 words.

All contributors should submit their copy together with a byline and profile photograph.

To advertise in Three-D, please contact Einar Thorsen.

Current advertising rates are:

  • Up to quarter of a page (1/16 or 1/8th or 1/4): £225
  • Half a page: £250
  • Full page: £300

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