Three-D Issue 14

  • Three-D, issue 14 (PDF, 840k)MeCCSA Three-D newsletter cover
  • In this issue: Election special and the LSE annual conference experience (Einar Thorsen); Features: Cultural production and public policy in UK broadcasting (Sylvia Harvey); Media studies in the era of the university clampdown (David Hesmondhalgh); The impact of the REF (Natalie Fenton); BFI / UK Film Council merger (John Ellis); Media presentation and HE (Alec Sabin); MeCCSA Conference Experience (Robin Mansell, Maria Kyriakidou, Margaret Scammell, Mehita Iqani and others); Reports and initiatives: Chair’s report (Sue Thornham); Practice Section (Jason Lee); Race Network (Sarita Malik); Policy Network (Máire Messenger Davies); Radio Studies Network (Stephen Lax); Climate Change Network (Alex Lockwood); Women’s Media Studies Network; Postgraduate Network (Shelley Thompson, Alexia Smit)

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