Three-D Issue 16

Three-D, issue 16 (PDF, 2.5 Mb) – LatestMeCCSA Three-D newsletter cover

In this issue:
1 HE cuts: refuse, resist (Einar Thorsen)

2 What are we fighting for? (Michael Chanan)
4 Young people, protest and education (Lee Salter)
7 Student occupation against the cuts (Anthony Killick)
9 Funding crisis: the view from Scotland (Raymond Boyle)
11 Manifesto for the Public University (Gurminder K. Bhambra, Michael Farrelly, John Holmwood, Lucy Mayblin)
12 BFI relocation (Heather Stewart)
12 BFI National Library: modernising or mothballing? (Ian W. Macdonald)
14 Media Studies 1.0: Back to Basics (Dan Laughey)

MeCCSA Annual Conference
17 Salford 2011 (George McKay)

Reports and initiatives
18 Chair’s report (Sue Thornham)
19 Membership and Treasurer’s Report (Karen Ross)
20 Climate Change Network (Neil Gavin, Einar Thorsen, Jenny Alexander)
23 Policy Network – Annual Report, Ofcom Research Data (Máire Messenger Davies)
24 Practice Section (Joanna Callaghan)
25 Race Network (Sarita Malik)
26 Women’s Media Studies Network (Heather Nunn)
27 Postgraduate Network (Ashley Woodfall, Andy Tedd, Vincent M. Gaine)

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