Three-D Issue 18

Three-D, issue 18 (PDF, 2.6 Mb)

In this issue:
1 Reform(ation): Media & Higher Education (Einar Thorsen)

MeCCSA Annual Conferences
2 MeCCSA 2012: Bedfordshire Experience (Janey Gordon)
3 MeCCSA 2013: Spaces and Places of Culture (Máire Messenger Davies)

Media Reform
6 This system needs fixing (Des Freedman)
8 Market fundamentalism and new communications regulation (Damian Tambini)

HE Cuts and Challenges
10 The managerial Cuckoos (John Brissenden)
10 Even more bad news from London Met (Gholam Khiabany)
12 The key (Jackey Reuben)

Perspectives From Abroad
15 Higher Education in Ireland (Gavan Titley)
16 Multiculturalism and internationalisation in Romanian HE (Marcela Ganea)

Success and Innovation
18 Reading the riots on Twitter (Farida Vis)
19 Local public service television (David Rushton)

Reports and initiatives
20 Chair’s report (Sue Thornham)
21 The REF is coming (Peter Golding)
22 Climate Change, Environment & Sustainability Network (Neil Gavin)
23 Policy Network (Máire Messenger Davies)
24 Practice Network (Mark Readman, Joanna Callaghan)
25 Race Network (Call for papers)
26 Radio Studies Network (Salvatore Scifo)
27 Women’s Media Studies Network (Heather Nunn)
28 Postgraduate Network (Tom Phillips)

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