Three-D Issue 19: Women’s Media Studies Network update

Heather Nunn
Roehampton University

The Women’s Media Studies Network is pleased to be collaborating with the Women’s Film and Television History Network on their most recent event From Page to Screen: Making and Remembering Women’s History. Vicky Ball, from the Centre for Research in Media and Cultural Studies, at the University of Sunderland organized this half-day event in support of The Women’s Library Campaign.

The campaign to support The Women’s Library (TWL) in London, which has been seeking a new home, custodian or sponsor since the Spring 2012, has been staunchly supported by a wide range of researchers, academics, journalists, celebrities, students and activists all celebrating the wealth of information on women’s history contained in their archives. The TWL was originally established in 1926 as the Library of the London Society for Women’s Service, the successor of the London women’s suffrage organisation led by Millicent Fawcett.  It houses over 60,000 books and pamphlets and its collection contains scholarly and popular books, biographies, government publications and special historical collections. Archives also include popular magazines, protest banners, pamphlets and a range of fascinating ephemera.

Held at The Women’s Library, London on Friday 26thOctober 2012, From Page to Screen: Making and Remembering Women’s History celebrates women’s history by exploring how it is made and remembered. Coinciding with The Women’s Library exhibition ‘The long march to equality – treasures of The Women’s Library’, this event asks how aspects of women’s history and ‘the women’s movement’ have been represented and mediated at different moments in time in The Women’s Library, historical biographies and popular television drama.

Following an overview of TWL collections, its latest exhibition (Dianne Shepherd, TWL Librarian) and an update of its campaign (Beth Mercer, Head of TWL), June Purvis (Professor of Women’s and Gender History) explores the biographies of Emmeline Pankhurst. Helen Wheatley (Associate Professor of Film and Television Studies) and Vicky Ball (Senior Lecturer in Film, Media and Cultural Studies) explore the way in which dramas such as Upstairs Downstairs and Shoulder to Shoulder also engage with histories of women and the women’s movement. All three speakers engage with aspects of women’s history associated with the first wave of feminism and how these were mediated and represented in the context of the second wave and beyond. Each account draws attention to which aspects of women’s history are made and remembered and from whose perspective such histories are told.

The event is free to attend but places must be booked in advance via The Women’s Library. To book a place and download a programme for the event please go to

For any other information regarding the event please contact Vicky Ball via email on

If you have any further ideas for WMSN events which you would be willing to organise this year or in future years, please contact Heather Nunn:

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