Three-D Issue 21: MeCCSA CCES Network update
Neil Gavin
Liverpool University
In April this year Leicester University hosted a successful event under the auspices of the CCES network. This was ‘Climate Change Communication & the Internet: Challenges and Opportunities for Research’ symposium organised by Dr Nelya Koteyko, and attracting nationally and internationally situated scholars. It figured a range of papers on the challenges facing researchers working in this domain, and some of the exciting themes around climate change and the environment that are currently being conducted (see Box 1.). The symposium was well-attended, and the papers will form the basis of a special edition of Environmental Communication, an internationally referred publication, and official journal of the International Environmental Communication Association.
Future plans
The CCES will be staging an event to be held in Liverpool, and provisionally timed for May next year: ‘Keeping the Flame Alive?: Climate Change, the Media and the Public’. It will be themed around the coverage of climate change before and through the UN IPCC climate change reports, the first of which was delivered this September. It is hoped that it will draw on national and international scholarship in this domain, but included include representatives from the UK media and the Science and Technology Parliamentary Select Committee, which is currently gestating a report on the mediation of climate, and public opinion on the topic. MeCCSA and CCES members will be alerted on the details soon.