Three-D Issue 22: Some change, but battles far from over
Einar Thorsen
Bournemouth University
We kick off this issue of Three-D with a series of articles by Julian Petley, Bethany Usher, Jonathan Hardy and Lee Salter discussing media reform from different angles. The conclusion of the phone hacking trial has inevitably provided a lively backdrop, with headlines obsessing over the guilty verdict of Andy Coulson and acquittal of Rebekah Brooks, but we are reminded here about the wide range of issues at stake – and how the associated battles are far from over.
Many will have sighed relief when David Cameron announced the demotion of Michael Gove and David Willetts in his latest cabinet reshuffle. Replacing both the Secretary of State for Education, and the Minister of State for Universities and Science, tells you something about how toxic the ConDem Coalition’s education policy had become. Unfortunately, the changing of the guards is likely little more than window dressing, with their destructive policies set to continue. We focus again on the challenges this political landscape engenders for education, with Sonia Livingstone and Pete Fraser discussing media studies in Univeristies and secondary schools respectively. Giannina Warren meanwhile outlines a MeCCSA project to map the impact on our members.
This is also the first issue of Three-D since the passing of Stuart Hall in February 2014. His contribution to the areas covered by MeCCSA was extraordinary and it is fitting that we have devoted a section to reflections and tributes in his memory. Peter Golding provides a brief note from MeCCSA, whilst Graham Murdock and Garry Whannel offer more personal perspectives, and Julian Henriques suggests one way to remember and honour Hall.
Finally, make sure you look out for our MeCCSA Annual Conference reports – the Northumbria 2015 call for papers and review of Bournemouth 2014.
If you would like to write for or advertise in the next edition of Three-D, please get in touch with me on by the end of September 2014. Suggestions for our website are also welcome.