Three-D Issue 24: Women’s Media Studies Network report

millyMilly Williamson
Brunel University



I would like to begin this report by saying a very fond farewell to Ros Brunt, who has decided to stand down from the steering committee of the WMSN. It is largely because of Ros’ efforts that the thriving network exists today. She is the key founding member of the network, pulling together the first steering committee and getting the first network event up and running, fourteen years ago. She has been a stalwart member of the committee and a wonderful person to work with and we are all going to miss her jokes, good humour and thoughtful input into steering committee discussions and meetings. Thank you Ros, for being an inspiration!

The network would like to welcome our three new steering committee members, Deborah Jermyn, Francien Broekhuf, and Feona Attwood. Our new members bring a range of experience to the network and we are pleased to have them on board. Anita Biressi has kindly taken on the role of WMSN vice-chair.

2015 promises to be a vibrant one for the Women’s Media Studies Network. We have three events planned so far:

  • WMSN will be co-sponsoring the 2015 Console-ing Passions Conference. June 18 – 20, 2015. Dublin. For further information click:
  • We are also supporting an event at the Cyber Security Institute on ‘Cyberfeminisms’, this summer – further details to follow.
  • The network is co-hosting Media, Sexism and Education: A Roundtable Panel Discussionon 22nd June, 2015, from 16:00-18:30. The event, hosted by the University of Leicester’s Media and Gender research group and the MeCCSA WMS Network, brings together Professor Andrea Press (University of Virginia), Professor Jessica Ringrose (Institute of Education), Dr. Jessalynn Keller (Middlesex University), and Professor Karen Boyle who will discuss the relationship between instutionalised frameworks for sexism and the role of media technologies in education. We want to ask questions about what we, working in education should know, and importantly, what we should do about the sexism we experience in our everyday lives and the lives of our students. This is a free event, but we would ask people to register by contacting Kaitlynn Mendes at .

The WMSN network runs a panel at the annual MeCCSA conference. If you would like to propose a panel or a panel theme please contact Milly Williamson

If you have any ideas for WMSN events for 2016 and would like to know how to apply for funding, please contact Milly Williamson

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