Three-D Issue 24

MeCCSA-ThreeD-20-Thumb-ShadThree-D, issue 24 (PDF, 4.4 Mb)

In this issue:
2015 Election special: debates and media policy (Einar Thorsen)

UK Election 2015
2 Make media ownership an issue for the election (and beyond) (Des Freedman)
3 Manifesto for Media reform (Jonathan hardy & Des Freedman)
5 Press regulation beyond the election (Steven Barnett)
7 Media policy in Wales (Jamie Medhurst)
8 Still life in the old attack dogs yet? (Dominic Wring)
9 Stunts, gaffes and horse races (Karin Wahl-Jorgensen)
10 Women and election coverage (Heather Savigny)
11 All to Play for? (Ivor gaber)
12 Media coverage, TV debates and minor parties (Stephen Cushion & Gordon Neil ramsay)
14 The uninvited guests of TV debates (Morgane Kimmich)
15 The debate about the debate about the debates (Stephen Coleman)

MeCCSA Annual Conferences
16 MeCCSA 2015: Generations (Rosie White, Karen Ross and James Leggott)
17 Funding, publications… and a thick skin (Ruth Sanz Sabido)
20 Oh, that sounds straight forward (Karen Boyle)
22 Reflections on the changing nature and circumstances of academic labour (Bob Franklin)

Reports and initiatives
27 Chair’s report (Natalie Fenton)
28 REF Results
29 Disability Studies Network (Carrie Hodges)
30 News from the network
31 Race, Ethnicity and Postcolonial Network (Rinella Cere)
31 Women’s Media Studies Network (Milly Williamson)
32 Shared Solidarities: the interaction of parties, unions and social movements (Rinella Cere)
33 Networking Knowledge (Simon Dawes)


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