Three-D Issue 25

MeCCSA-ThreeD-25-Thumb-ShadThree-D, issue 25 (PDF, 3.3 Mb)

In this issue:
1 Time to save the BBC: make your voice heard (Einar Thorsen)

BBC Green Paper
2 BBC Charter Review: how to respond (Tom O’Malley)
3 Actions not words (Sylvia Harvey)
4 BBC Charter Review (Jonathan Hardy)
5 Mitigating the damage of a vengeful govt. (Steven Barnett)
5 The case for a Licence Fee Body (Colin Browne)
6 A shrunken BBC? (Pat Holland)
7 Corporate sabotage and the future of the BBC (Tom Mills)
8 Battle for BBC and struggle for public space (Graham Murdock)
11 On with the dance: the BBC and entertainment (Máire Messenger Davies)
12 Charter Review and BBC children’s content (Jeanette Steemers)
13 Beeb-bashing by the Right: is it justified? (Ivor Gaber)
15 BBC’s international coverage (James Rodgers)
16 Keeping the ‘British’ in the BBC (Neil Blain)
18 BBC and its European partners in defence of PSM (Michael Klontzas)
19 Not just an attack on the BBC (Des Freedman)

MeCCSA Annual Conferences
20 MeCCSA 2016: ‘Communities’ (Àgnes Gulyàs)

Reports and initiatives
21 Chair’s report (Natalie Fenton)
22 MeCCSA letter on BBC Charter Review
25 MeCCSA response to DCMS consultation
35 Practice Network (Joanna Callaghan, Cahal McLaughlin, Greg Bevan)
37 Women’s Media Studies Network (Feona Atwood, Kaitlynn Mendes, Francien Broekhuizen)
38 Social Movements Network (Rosalind Brunt, Anna Feigenbaum)
40 Climate Change Network (Nathan Farrell)
41 Postgraduate Network (Poppy Wilde, Francien Broekhuizen)

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