Three-D Issue 28: Framing Catastrophe: Shared Solidarities no 3
A date for your diaries: Sheffield Hallam University, Thursday 7 September, 2017. This will be an all-day event: Framing Catastrophe: Shared Solidarities no 3. It is organised jointly by the Social Movements and Climate Change Networks of MeCCSA. As with the previous two events, Shared Solidarities 3 will have a workshop/seminar format presented by both academics and activists – and indeed, academic activists.
The aim of this year’s event is to explore those catastrophic issues whose very gravity may induce feelings of powerlessness, denial and a sense of being overwhelmed. It asks, how then might activists address the problem in ways that encourage effective movement-building? Responding to this question, we have chosen two interlinked case studies for the day: nuclear threat and climate change.
The choice of these two topics has an immediate resonance in a year when the UN is working on developing the first Global Nuclear Arms Ban Treaty and the Paris Climate Change Agreement is being directly challenged by President Trump. Framing Catastrophe will consider political and cultural responses to both these challenges, including analyses of media coverage – and also note the lack of it, especially in relation to the nuclear arms ban!
We intend to publish a book based on the conference, including both articles and interviews with activists. We would particularly like to include in the book chapters on topics that won’t get much addressed by the conference but are also very relevant to the idea of everyday understandings of catastrophe, such as those relating to popular culture in television, film, literature and music.
So please send any initial suggestions/expressions of interest about the book to the co-organiser of the event, Rinella Cere: A programme and how to register for the event – which is free, with lunch thrown in – will be circulated via the MeCCSA website later in the summer.