Radio Studies Network marks 100 years of BBC radio

The MeCCSA Radio Studies Network held a successful in-person conference to mark the BBC’s centenary on Saturday 26th November at the University of Bedfordshire, supported by the university’s Research Centre and RIMAP. Over 40 delegates from around the world attended a day full of talks and keynote speeches at the Postgraduate Centre in Luton. Amongst …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 35: Radio Studies Network

Emma HeywoodUniversity of Sheffield World Radio Day on 13th February this year was yet another milestone celebrating the importance of radio as a global source of vital information and entertainment. Over the course of the pandemic, radio has increased its listenership acting as a constant support in these challenging times. With no need to social …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 34: Radio Studies Network

Janieann McCrackenUniversity of Stirling Brighton seems a long time ago now and a very different place! In our network meeting there we welcomed new members to our steering committee bringing a variety of different research interests. These were Jerry Padfield (Doctoral Student at The University of Falmouth), and Dario Llinares (Principal Lecturer in the School …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 32: Radio Studies Network report

Josephine ColemanBirkbeck College, University of London As the field of media communications and broadcasting shifts around us, so Radio Studies evolves, the Network widens its interests and further extends a welcome through social media communities as well as at face-to-face events. These encounters provide vital opportunities to engage with the research and teaching practices of …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 31: Radio Studies Network report

Josephine Coleman Birkbeck College, University of London Once again, the Radio Studies Network can report that we have had an eventful year and are feeling as buoyant and dynamic as ever. In July, many of our network’s Steering Group and affiliates were welcomed at the Transnational Radio Forum, a four-day conference held in the beautiful …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 30: Radio Studies Network report

Helen Gubbins University of Sheffield Josephine Coleman Birkbeck College, University of London   MeCCSA Radio Studies Network at the 2018 Transnational Radio Conference, Prato, Italy From the 10th – 13th of July 2018, over 150 radio and audio specialists from all over the world descended on Prato in Northern Italy, to attend the 2018 biennial …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 29: Radio Research Network report

Helen Gubbins University of Sheffield Josephine Coleman Birkbeck College, University of London 2017 was a very busy year for the MeCCSA Radio Studies Network, hosting no fewer than three separate radio-related events, starting a weekly Radio Studies reading group, maintaining an energetic social media campaign, and sowing seeds for events for the next two years. …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 28: Radio Studies Network report

Helen GubbinsUniversity of Sheffield The 2017 MeCCSA Conference in Leeds saw the appointment of a new Chair (Josephine Coleman, Birkbeck College) and Deputy Chair (Helen Gubbins, University of Sheffield), to the Radio Studies Network (RSN), and the establishment of a new steering group ( Jo and Helen have been working steadily with the steering group …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 21: The Radio Research Conference, September 2013

Eleanor Shember-Critchley Manchester Metropolitan University Thanks to MeCCSA funding, members of the Network were pleased to hold a pre-conference panel at ECREA Radio Research 2013 that took place in London from 11-13 September. The panel, put together by Salvatore Scifo, featured Janey Gordon from Radio LaB, University of Bedfordshire, Andrew David, Managing Editor at Siren …Continue Reading

Radio Studies Network pre-conference panel: ‘Community Radio, Education and Innovative Pedagogies’ Supported by MeCCSA

Radio Research 2013 Pre-Conference Panel Supported by MeCCSA Speakers Dr Janey Gordon (Radio LaB, University of Bedfordshire), Andrew David (Siren FM, University of Lincoln), Tiziana Cavallo (Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione, Milan; FuoriAulaNetwork, University of Verona) and Fred Marden (Spark FM, University of Sunderland). Produced by Dr Salvatore Scifo (Maltepe University, Istanbul) and presented …Continue Reading

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