Annual General Meeting 2015

Northumbria University,  January 8th 2015 AGENDA 1. Apologies 2. Minutes of 2014 AGM 3. Matters arising 4. Chair’s Report 5. Treasurer’s Report 6. Reports from Sub-Committees 6.1  Association Activities Sub-Committee 6.2  Administration and Communication Sub-Committee 6.3  Academic Development Sub-Committee 7. Report on Networks 8. Report on election for Executive Committee 8.1.  EC for 2015 8.2.  To …Continue Reading

Notice of MeCCSA AGM 2015

Members are hereby notified that the AGM of the Association will take place at the Annual Conference at Northumbria University, on January 8th. 2015 at 4.45.   For further details please see the Conference Programme.  In addition to the normal AGM business there will be a discussion with Prof. Chris Rojek on academic publishing and open …Continue Reading

Call for Papers: MeCCSA 2015 Conference

7-9 JANUARY 2015 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY THEME: GENERATIONS DEADLINE FOR PROPOSALS: 1 SEPTEMBER 2014 EXTENDED DEADLINE FOR PROPOSALS: closed (22 SEPTEMBER 2014) Colleagues – we are pleased to invite you to submit abstracts, panel proposals and posters for the 2015 MeCCSA conference which is being hosted by Northumbria University (Newcastle upon Tyne). The conference theme is …Continue Reading

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