Join the Team! MeCCSA-PGN Call for Associate Editor

The Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association (MeCCSA) Postgraduate Network Committee wishes to recruit a new member to join us in the role of Associate Editor of our postgraduate journal Networking Knowledge.

Photo Credit: RetroSupply on Unsplash

About Us

Networking Knowledge provides a platform for postgraduate and early career researchers to publish work and to gain experience in the peer review process. The journal features specially themed issues proposed by guest editors, as well as inviting individual articles on any of MeCCSA’s subject areas for our standard issues.

About the Role

Reporting to the Editor-in-Chief, the journal’s Associate Editors help to oversee the peer review process, communicate with reviewers and authors, and actively participate in the copyediting, production, and planning of regular, conference and special issues of the journal. If you are a postgraduate research student at a UK university, are comfortable working independently while remaining accountable to the Editor-in-Chief, the Committee and the aims and purpose of the journal, have excellent communication skills and a good eye for detail, this is the role for you! We are particularly keen to hear from candidates who have some experience in graphic and web design, who would be prepared, upon taking up the role, to focus on redesigning our journal logo and technical tasks including ensuring the accessibility and proper formatting of documents. As with all positions within the MeCCSA PGN Committee, this position is a voluntary one, with a tenure of one year in the first instance.

How to Apply

If you would like to apply for this role, please send the following information to Lead Communications Officer Vincent Obia at by 5pm on Friday 26th November 2021:

  • Name
  • Institution
  • Year of study
  • A brief statement (maximum 200 words) on your relevant skills, interests, and experience, including what makes you the right person for this role.

The existing Committee will vote to decide on the most suitable application within a week of the closing date, and the results of this vote will be communicated to candidates by email afterwards.

About the MeCCSA Postgraduate Network

The aim of the MeCCSA Postgraduate Network is to bring together postgraduate students in media, communication and cultural studies from different intellectual traditions and cultural backgrounds to form networks for research, teaching, learning and peer support. The Network is organised and led by the Postgraduate Network Committee. You can find out more about the Network and the Committee here.

If you have any questions about the MeCCSA Postgraduate Network Committee, please contact Committee Chair Sharon Zheng at

We look forward to receiving your application!

Best wishes

MeCCSA Postgraduate Network Committee

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