
Three-D: MeCCSA’s newsletter

  • Three-D, issue 16 (PDF, 2.5 Mb)Latest

    MeCCSA Three-D newsletter cover In this issue:
    1 HE cuts: refuse, resist (Einar Thorsen)

    2 What are we fighting for? (Michael Chanan)
    4 Young people, protest and education (Lee Salter)
    7 Student occupation against the cuts (Anthony Killick)
    9 Funding crisis: the view from Scotland (Raymond Boyle)
    11 Manifesto for the Public University (Gurminder K. Bhambra, Michael Farrelly, John Holmwood, Lucy Mayblin)
    12 BFI relocation (Heather Stewart)
    12 BFI National Library: modernising or mothballing? (Ian W. Macdonald)
    14 Media Studies 1.0: Back to Basics (Dan Laughey)

    MeCCSA Annual Conference
    17 Salford 2011 (George McKay)

    Reports and initiatives
    18 Chair’s report (Sue Thornham)
    19 Membership and Treasurer’s Report (Karen Ross)
    20 Climate Change Network (Neil Gavin, Einar Thorsen, Jenny Alexander)
    23 Policy Network (Máire Messenger Davies)
    24 Practice Section (Joanna Callaghan)
    25 Race Network (Sarita Malik)
    26 Women’s Media Studies Network (Heather Nunn)
    27 Postgraduate Network (Ashley Woodfall, Andy Tedd, Vincent M. Gaine)

Previous Issues

  • Three-D, issue 15 (PDF, 1.2 Mb)

    MeCCSA Three-D newsletter cover In this issue:
    1 Slash and burn (Einar Thorsen)

    2 Cuts and their consequences (Natalie Fenton)
    4 Utility of fiction and fictions of utility (John Corner)
    5 A career on the edge (Eleanor Shember-Critchley)
    6 So farewell UKFC (Graham Roberts)
    8 Diploma in Creative and Media (Helen Baehr)
    9 Success and innovation in HE (Paul Baldwin, Liam French and Howard Tumber)

    Reports and initiatives
    11 Chair’s report (Sue Thornham)
    12 A view from the Treasuer’s ledge(r) (Karen Ross)
    12 Updates on REF and research ethics (Peter Golding)
    14 Climate Change Network (Neil Gavin)
    15 Disability Studies Network (Alison Wilde and Margaret Montgomerie)
    16 Policy Network (Máire Messenger Davies)
    17 Practice Section (Jason Lee)
    18 Race Network (Sarita Malik)
    19 Radio Studies Network (Peter Lewis)
    20 Women’s Media Studies Network (Sarah Evans)
    21 Postgraduate Network (Susan Berridge, Alexia Smit, Lavinia Brydon and Shelley Thompson)

  • Three-D, issue 14 (PDF, 840k)
    MeCCSA Three-D newsletter coverIn this issue: Election special and the LSE annual conference experience (Einar Thorsen); Features: Cultural production and public policy in UK broadcasting (Sylvia Harvey); Media studies in the era of the university clampdown (David Hesmondhalgh); The impact of the REF (Natalie Fenton); BFI / UK Film Council merger (John Ellis); Media presentation and HE (Alec Sabin); MeCCSA Conference Experience (Robin Mansell, Maria Kyriakidou, Margaret Scammell, Mehita Iqani and others); Reports and initiatives: Chair’s report (Sue Thornham); Practice Section (Jason Lee); Race Network (Sarita Malik); Policy Network (Máire Messenger Davies); Radio Studies Network (Stephen Lax); Climate Change Network (Alex Lockwood); Women’s Media Studies Network; Postgraduate Network (Shelley Thompson, Alexia Smit)
  • Three-D, issue 13 (PDF, 1.3 Mb)
    MeCCSA Three-D newsletter coverIn this issue: Apocalypse now: climate change, Digital Britain and REF! (Einar Thorsen); Features: Climate change, sustainability, and higher education (Peter Brooks, Neil T.Gavin, Alex Lockwood); Digital Britain (Steven Barnett, Patricia Holland, Peter Lewis), From RAE to REF (Peter Golding); Reports and initiatives: Chair’s report (Christine Geraghty), MeCCSA Annual Conference (Robin Mansell, Myria Georgiou), My five years at MeCCSA (Salvatore Scifo), Practice Section (Jason Lee), Women’s Media Studies Network, Policy Network (Máire Messenger Davies, Natalie Fenton), Postgraduate Network (Shelley Thompson, Amy Chambers, Jennifer Krase, Jean Northam).
  • Three-D, issue 12 (PDF, 832k)
  • Three-D, issue 11 (PDF, 624k)
  • Three-D, issue 10 (PDF, 468k)
  • Three-D, issue 9 (PDF, 548k)
  • Three-D, issue 8 (PDF, 132k)
  • Three-D, issue 7 (PDF, 80k)
  • Three-D, issue 5/6 (PDF, 124k)
  • Three-D, issue 4 (PDF, 176k)
  • Three-D, issue 3 (PDF, 148k)
  • Three-D, issue 2 (PDF, 156k)Get Adobe Acrobat Reader
  • Three-D, issue 1 (PDF, 100k)


Three-D is the newsletter of MeCCSA. Its aim is to provide news and comment of interest to the media, communication and cultural studies fields. Contributions do not necessarily reflect the views of the Association, or its Executive Committee.

Three-D is currently edited by Einar Thorsen and is based on a design by Nick Sayers.

We produce two issues of Three-D per year, both downloable from this site.

Contributions and advertising

Ideas for articles or other contributions are always welcome – contact Einar at

The length of articles is flexible, but would need to be in increments of 500 words to fit with our design (so either 500, 1000, 1500 etc words).

Network or Section reports fit whole pages so are in increments of 1000 words.

All contributors should submit their copy together with a byline and profile photograph.

To advertise in Three-D, please contact Einar Thorsen.

Current advertising rates are:

  • Up to quarter of a page (1/16 or 1/8th or 1/4): £225
  • Half a page: £250
  • Full page: £300

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