MeCCSA 2023 Annual Conference

MeCCSA 2023 – Glasgow Caledonian University, UK Conference Theme – Connected Futures? 4-6 September 2023 Registration is now open for the MeCCSA 2023 Conference, to be held 4-6 September 2023 at Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland. Early bird registration is available until 1 June, with standard registration open until 31 July. The theme of the MeCCSA …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 35

Three-D, issue 35 (PDF, 1.3 Mb) – Latest In this issue:1 ‘Slashing taxpayer subsidy’ (Einar Thorsen) Review of Higher Education2 Augar and after (John Downey)3 The banker and the basket weaver (Janet Jones)3 No more medals: the latest on the TEF (Abigail Gardner)4 Free speech on campus (Alison Scott-Baumann & Simon Perfect) Covid-196 A wake-up call, but who’s listening? (Simon Cottle)7 Libertarians under …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 35: Postgraduate Network

Sharon ZhengUniversity of Warwick There was no event last year due to the COVID-19. We have elected new members for PGN Committee for the academic year of 2020/21. They are: Chair: Shiyu (Sharon) ZHENG from University of Warwick Vice Chair: Rukhsar Hussain from University of Strathclyde Editor of Networking Knowledge: Rebecca Jones from University of Strathclyde Associate Editor …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 35: Social Movements Network

Ruth Sanz SabidoCanterbury Christ Church Uni We are pleased to announce details of two upcoming events that are being organised by the MeCCSA Social Movements Network in 2021. On 8 March, we will deliver an online seminar to mark International Women’s Day. The event, which is facilitated by the Documentary Media Centre, will feature the …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 35: Radio Studies Network

Emma HeywoodUniversity of Sheffield World Radio Day on 13th February this year was yet another milestone celebrating the importance of radio as a global source of vital information and entertainment. Over the course of the pandemic, radio has increased its listenership acting as a constant support in these challenging times. With no need to social …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 35: Local and Community Media Network

Rachel MatthewsCoventry University This year marks the first full 12 months of the existence of the LCM Network after it was approved and formed in 2019. At our first AGM in Brighton in January 2020 we had proposed a series of events including a one-day conference; we quickly realised we would have to pivot to …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 35: Platform politics, online harms and future research directions

Paul ReillyUniversity of SheffieldPhil RamseyUlster University How can online platforms do better in the fight against ‘fake news’, hate speech and other online harms? What role should researchers play in the regulatory frameworks governing big tech companies like Facebook? These were among the issues discussed at ‘Platforms and policies: agendas for research and policy action”, …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 35: Race, Ethnicity and Postcolonial Network Report

Mita LadMiddlesex University It has been a few issues since REaPN has written a report for Three-D, and in all honesty I have no idea where the time as gone. Back in June 2020, Vice Chair, Dr Nour Halabi authored a statement ( in support of the BLM movement and called for more to be done …Continue Reading

Three-D Issue 35: Chair’s report

Einar ThorsenBournemouth University I want to thank our previous Chair Anita Biressi, who has done an incredible job in the role over the past three years and as a member of the Executive Committee for many more. I am pleased she is staying on the committee and continuing to work on existing initiatives — including …Continue Reading

Obituary: Jay G. Blumler (1924-2021)

MeCCSA colleagues will have been saddened by the death of Jay G. Blumler, a pioneering scholar in our field and a friend and well-wisher to many of us. At the MeCCSA conference held at the University of Leeds Jay was not only in attendance at every session, at which he would typically raise the most …Continue Reading

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