Result of Ballot for Executive Committee 2011

The results of the Ballot for Executive Committee 2011 were announced at the AGM in Salford, January 13th 2011. The following were declared elected for two years following the ballot: Anita Biressi Joanna Callaghan (Chair, Practice Section) Maire Messenger-Davies Peter Golding Janey Gordon Mark Jancovich Tim O’Sullivan Sue Thornham In addition, the following had been …Continue Reading

Call for MeCCSA 2013 and 2014 annual conference hosts

Call for proposals to host the Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association Annual Conference The Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association (MeCCSA) is opening a call for proposals for the hosting and organisation of the annual conference for 2013 or 2014. The subject association represents all who teach or research or who undertake media practice …Continue Reading

MeCCSA Conference Proposal Guidelines

Guideline delegate numbers 200-250 delegates, including postgraduates.  Given that it is difficult to predict with any accuracy the number of delegates, it is advisable that the provisional budget includes several different projections corresponding to different figures of attendance. You should assume that 10-15% of delegates would be PGs. Plenary speakers Provision should be made for …Continue Reading

How you can campaign against the cuts

Here are some ideas of what you can do if you want to campaign against the cuts: 1. Seek to be heard and influence any platform that you have access to, across any network and in any public setting. Analysis and critique are what we are good at – we need to use our skills …Continue Reading

Key points as of 15 November

Complete cut in teaching subsidy to arts, humanities and social sciences announced. STEM subjects and some modern languages to be protected. Cap on student fees to be set at £9,000 with no government levy to pay (as originally mooted in the Browne Review) but stringent requirements for widening participation and fair access for those who …Continue Reading

Summary of Browne Review

 Tuition Fees No limit on fees charged by universities Universities would be subject to a levy on all fees charged above £6,000 (40% of the first £1,000, 45% of the second, 50% of the third etc) The levy begins at £6,000 to instil "a focus on efficiency" in the system Some funding for certain courses …Continue Reading

Campaign Resources and Materials

Below you will find a series of links that you can use as campaign resources and materials. Condensed summary for those asked to comment Double whammy – loss of government funding for Arts, humanities and Social Sciences, plus a (likely) cut to the research budget (still awaiting details on this) Basic economics means bigger courses …Continue Reading

Sample letter to a Lib Dem MP

(written by Nick Couldry) Dear Don Foster I am writing to express my deep concern at the cuts proposed by the Coalition to government’s funding support of undergraduate teaching in universities. My concern here is not specifically with the raising of student tuition fees although there are broader worries that freeing up fees without the …Continue Reading

Template letter to MPs

Dear MP I am writing as a constituent to express my deep concern at the cuts proposed by the Coalition to the government’s funding support of undergraduate teaching in universities. My main concern is with the Coalition’s decision to use Browne’s recommended freeing-up of student fees as the ‘pretext’ for withdrawing all support for undergraduate …Continue Reading

Mediated Climate Change in an Uncertain World

The ‘Mediated Climate Change in an Uncertain World’ event is part of a set of launch initiatives associated with the Climate Change, Sustainability and Environment Network (CCES). We will also have a panel at the forthcoming MeCCSA conference at Salford University, Manchester in January 2001, and are planning a symposium at Bournemouth University on 4th …Continue Reading

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