Annual General Meeting 2017
Leeds, January 12TH. 2017
Below links are to documents submitted to the AGM and have not yet been verified or approved by the meeting.
1. Apologies
3. Matters arising
6. Reports from Sub-Committees
6.1 Association Activities Sub-Committee
6.2 Administration and Communication Sub-Committee
6.3 Academic Development Sub-Committee
7. Report on Networks
7.1 Climate Change Network
7.2 Disability Studies Network
7.3 Policy Network
7.4 Postgraduate Network
7.5 Practice Network
7.6 Race, Ethnicity and Postcolonial Network
7.7 Radio Studies Network
7.8 Social Movements Network
7.9 Women’s Media Studies Network
8. Report on election for Executive Committee.
8.1. EC for 2017
8.2. To note retiring members
9. Resolutions
Motion on broadcasters performance.
10. A.O.B.
The AGM will be followed by presentations from Stephen Wordsworth, Executive Director of CARA (Council for At-Risk Academics) and Prof. Mine Gencel Bek (Professor of Communications, Ankara University, Turkey)