Note from Chair and Hon Sec re REF 2014
Dear Colleagues,
You will have noticed that HEFCE have recently published a paper on ‘Units of Assessment and Recruitment of Expert Panels’ for the 2014 REF. Subject Associations have two roles in this:
1. To provide endorsements to applicants for the position of chairs of sub-panels (more than one endorsement is acceptable);
2. To nominate candidates as additional main panel members, sub-panel members, and assessors.
Applications to be a sub-panel chair must be made by Sep. 17th. Nominations for panel members and assessors must be made by October 8th. This will be discussed at the meeting of the Executive Committee of MeCCSA at its September meeting (Sep 14th). The purpose of this note is to invite members who may have views on any aspect of these processes to contact any officer to convey those views so that the Committee will have some sense of members’ views at its discussions. Please write to any of the officers at the addresses on the Association website. Please do so by Sep 7th if at all possible.
Sue Thornham
Peter Golding