Three-D Issue 17: MeCCSA Annual Conference 2012

Conference Organisers
University of Bedfordshire

The Bedfordshire Institute of Media Arts and Performance (BIMAP) is delighted to host the MeCCSA 2012 Conference on 11th, 12th and 13th January 2012. We look forward to welcoming delegates from across the UK and beyond to our Luton campus to participate in this annual event.

To stay up-to-date with Conference 2012 news, please register on the website:

Plenary speakers

  • Steven Barnett on policy
  • Clio Barnard on practice
  • John Downing on alternative media
  • Christine Geraghty on film narrative
  • Stuart Laing on media in higher education
  • Janet Murray on new media


The Art Design Media – Higher Education Academy Subject Centre (ADM-HEA) are offering a £500 prize and publication for the best paper analysing key issues impacting on media, communications and cultural studies inhigher education. Submission details as for other papers but a full paper must be with ADM-HEA by 25th November 2011 (

Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies and SAGE Publishing are offering a prize for the best submission by a postgraduate or postdoctoral student on research which fits the aims of the journal. The winner will have their work published in the journal, receive a year’s subscription and £150 worth of SAGE books. Submissions will be judged by the editors Julia Knight and Alexis Weedon.

Posters: The academic poster is highly valued by MeCCSA as an indicator of current research and there will be an open space set aside for poster display. A prize of £100 will be awarded to the best poster judged by the MeCCSA Executive Committee.

Travel and Accommodation
The University of Bedfordshire is at the hub of national and international travel networks. Situated just 30 miles north of London, the University of Bedfordshire’s Luton campus boasts superb road, rail and air links.

It is just off Junction 10 of the M1, has a direct rail link to central London and is just three miles away from London Luton International Airport.

London Luton airport has an increasing number of connections to Europe and within the UK. The taxi ride from the airport is around 10 minutes.

From the Luton campus, Park Square, Luton town centre the airport is ten minutes away by car, while the main-line railway station is only a five-minute walk.

For further details on travel and accommodation, please visit:

Conference Dinner
This year’s conference dinner is set in a 1920’s Masonic lodge complete with Art Deco glass dome ceiling which has been converted into a Pizza Express restaurant. The restaurant is within 2 minutes walking distance of the main conference venue, in the heart of the town centre. Costs £20 for three course dinner and welcome drink.

This year’s delegate fees are shown in the table below. To register, please visit:

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