Three-D Issue 16: Membership and Treasurer’s Report

Karen Ross
University of Liverpool

Despite the dire financial situation in which our sector finds itself, both institutions and individual scholars still value their MeCCSA membership and we have seen very little change in either membership category over the past few months.

I would also like to take the opportunity to thank Sandra Harris who has taken on much of the responsibilities associated with the role of membership secretary and is doing a great job.

The accounts which are set out in the table opposite show the financial status of MeCCSA as at our formal year end in 2010 which now seems rather far away, but the accounts needed to be approved at the AGM before going public, hence the timing of publication. One of the most obvious sustained changes across the two years shown in the accounts (08-09 being provided as a comparison), is the impact of interest rates on income, although this was more than compensated for by the excellent stewardship of the conference team at LSE in 2010 who turned a rather wonderful profit for the Association. Overall, looking good, so thanks to everyone whose contributions, financial and in so many other ways, sustain the Association and give us a solid base from which to develop and grow.

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